Árdís - 01.01.1964, Síða 73

Árdís - 01.01.1964, Síða 73
Ársrit Bandalags lúterskra kvenna 71 Sigurfinna Cain 1884 — 1964 Sigurfinna Cain passed away in her seventy-ninth year on April 20, 1964, after a prolonged illness, which she carried with fortitude and courage to the very last. Born in Iceland, the daughter of Gudmundur Benediktsson, she emigrated as a young girl with her family to the western world, settling in North Dakota, U.S.A. Here she grew to womanhood and then in 1905 she moved to Winnipeg and made her home there for the remainder of her life. She was married in 1907 to O. M. Cain who predeceased her in 1942. Finna—as she was known to us—joined the Ladies Aid, First Lutheran Church Winnipeg, in 1911 and kept her ties with us to the end. She was a very active member of the Jón Sigurdsson Chapter I.O.D.E. for a quarter of a century and a lifelong Good Templar. She is survived by a son Jerry and a granddaughter. Mrs. Cain was buried from her church on April 23. Dr. V. J. Eylands officiated. Ingibjorg Goodridge as soloist sang the old Icelandic hymn “Allt eins og blómstrid eina”. The Ladies Aid miss her friendly ways, her kind thoughts and her cheerful disposition. So, farewell Finna. May you rest in peace. V. Thorlakson.
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