Árdís - 01.01.1964, Síða 83

Árdís - 01.01.1964, Síða 83
Ársrit Bandalags lúterskra kvenna 81 as ye have done it unto the least of these, my brethren, ye have done it unto me.” Often as she nursed the sick or dying, she felt herself utterly spent. At such times she spent much time in prayer to get the strength to continue, firmly believing the words of our Lord, “Ask, and it shall be given you.” Never wealthy or even well-to-do, and often working to the limit of her strength to meet her expenses, she was never too poor to share a meal or to offer “kaffi og veitingar.” An outstanding cook with an eye for beauty, she seasoned every meal with loving concern for those she served. She gave freely of her time and generously of her money to the church. She served as Sunday School superintendent for nearly twenty years, and was active in the Ladies Aid “Likn” as long as her health permitted. This group of women did many charitable works in addition to their work for the Lutheran church. Many times she served as voluntary janitor. To her brother’s motherless children, her house was a second home. Into her ears they poured the joys and troubles they would have told their mother. Childless herself, she loved them as her own. In time she took to her heart a foster child, Marian, who re- turned the affection given her. She in turn lavished love and care on her parents when they could no longer care for themselves. With little formal education, she was nonetheless an educated woman, who read widely in both English and Icelandic. Ella Wells was born Abigael Thordardottir in Hattardal, Alfta- fjord, Northern Isafjordur on Sept. 4, 1879. With her parents she emigrated from Iceland to Canada, living for some years at Baldur, Manitoba. Soon after the turn of the century she moved west to Blaine, Washington in company with her sister Matthildur, who spent many years in Vancouver, B.C., and her brother Magnus Thordarson, who became a leading citizen of Blaine. On Christmas Eve, 1902, she married Charles Wells. Most of her married life was spent in Blaine though she lived for a short time in Cloverdale, B.C. and in Everett, Washington. She went to her heavenly home May 9, 1963. (Mrs. Erling K. Olafson) Kristine Olafson Westport, Washington.
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