Saga - 1992, Síða 158
Óbirtar heimildir
1 Franklin D. Roosevelt bókasafninu (FDRL), Hyde Park, New York: Skjalasafn Frank-
lins D. Roosevelts (skjöl forsetaritarans, opinber skjöl, persónuleg skjöl forset-
ans, bréfaskipti forsetans við Winston S. Churchill (1939-42); skjöl Stephens
Earlys, skjöl Harrys Hopkins.
í Hoover Institution of War, Revolution and Peace Library, Stanford, Kalifomíu:
Gögn og skjöl „America First" nefndarinnar.
Pakklæti er vottað starfsmönnum Franklin D. Roosevelt bókasafnsins og Lindu
Wheeler hjá bókasafni Hoover Institution fyrir mikla og ágæta aðstoð þeirra.
Útgefnar heimildir
Baldwin, Hanson W.: United We Stand. New York, 1941.
Beard, Charles A.: President Roosevelt and the ComingofWar. New Haven, Conn., 1948.
Bittner, Donald F.: The Lion and the White Falcon, Britain and Iceland in World War II Era.
Hamden, Conn., 1983.
Burns, James MacGregor: Roosevelt: Soldier of Freedom. New York, 1970.
Cole, Wayne S.: America First. Madison, Wis., 1953.
Conn, Stetson, Rose C. Engleman og Byron Fairchiid: The Western Hemisphere: Guard-
ing the United States and Its Outposts. Washington, 1964.
Dallek, Robert: Franklin D. Roosevelt and American Foreign Policy, 1932-1945. New York,
Divine, Robert A.: Roosevelt and World War II. Baltimore, 1969.
Fairchild, Byron: „Decision to Land United States Forces in Iceland, 1941". í Command
Decisions. Útg. Kent Roberts Greenfield.
Friedel, Frank: Franklin D. Roosevelt: A Rendezvous With Destiny. Boston, 1990.
Gallup, George H.: The Gallup Poll: Public Opinion, 1935-1971. 2. bindi. New York,
Heinrichs, Waldo: Threshold of War: Franklin D. Roosevelt and American Entry into World
War 11. New York, 1988.
Koenig, Louis William: The Presidency and the Crisis: Powers of the Office from the Invasion
of Poland to Pearl Harbour. New York, 1944.
Langer, William L. og S. Everett Gleason: The Undeclared War, 1940-1941. New York,
Mosley, Phillip E.: „Iceland and Greenland: America's Problem", Foreign Affaris. Júlí
Rosenman, Samuel I.: The Public Papers and Addresses ofFranklin D. Roosevelt. 13 bindi.
New York, 1950.
Schaffter, Dorothy og Dorothy M. Matthews: The Powers of the President as Commander
in Chief of the Army and Navy of the United States. Washington, 1956.
Sherwood, Robert E.: Roosevelt and Hopkins: An Intimate History. Endursk. útg. New
York, 1950.
Stefansson, Vilhjalmur: „What is the Western Hemisphere"? Foreign Affairs. Júlí 1941.
(Encyclopedia Britannica): The Annals of America. 19bindi. Chicago, 1974.