Fréttablaðið - 01.10.2011, Síða 48

Fréttablaðið - 01.10.2011, Síða 48
1. október 2011 LAUGARDAGUR4 Match Bemanning AS is an employment agency in Sarpsborg/Norway. We rent out people and recruit to permanent jobs. Our main branches is: construction, industri, warehouse and transport. We are consultans with long experience in employ- ment service and have therefore a large network in our area around Oslo. We are looking for workers in following positions: • Carpenters and concrete workers • Electricians and plumbers • Tinner • Truck drivers • Production • Buss drivers We are visiting EURES jobshant in Reykjavik cityhall 14. and 15.september 2011. If you are interessted to work in Norway, send us immediately a CV on mail: paal.isaksen@matchbe- or vist over stand in Reykjavik. For questions call: +47-97467902. We look forward to help you with a new future in Norway. Aure is a municipality at the west coast of Mid-Norway with more than 3,500 inhabitants. The municipality with its beautiful scenery with mountains, forests, seas and islands, is centrally located in the neighboring municipality to Kristiansund and about two hours drive to Trondheim. We have a diversified business with Statoil as the largest employer, active sports and cultural events and good upbringing and living conditions for both small and large, including full day care for children. The municipality is organized by a two level model with the chief executive, advisers in staff / shared services, and 9 line managers. Mannvirkjagerð og VA verkfræðingur. We will attend the job fair 14-15th October in Reykjavik. We need two structural engineers and one VA engineer. Structural engineer Main responsibilities: - Building procedure and guidance - Other procedures for planning and building - Energy economizing - Responsibility for operation and maintenance plans - Financial management (operations and projects) - Customer and procedures in technical services - Monitoring of construction projects - We prefer nordic language Operations manager municipal technique - Relevant experience in the field (VAR area and transport) - Knowledge of current generic standard - Accuracy (reporting and follow-up for failure) - Good oral and written presentation skills - Use of electronic topical program - Applicants must be able to manage their own car - We prefer nordic language We need your application within: 11.10.2011. Further information about the positions can be obtained by contacting: Line manager: Bernt Olav Simonsen Visitor address: Aure rådhus, 6690 Aure E-mail: Phone: +47 71 64 74 00 Line manager: Johannes Kalland Visitor address: Aure rådhus, 6690 Aure E-mail: Phone: + 47 71 64 74 00 Please attend and talk to our representatives at the fair, welcome to Reykjavik town hall 14-15th October. We need your application within: 11.10.2011. Further information about the positions can be obtained by contacting: Line manager: Bernt Olav Simonsen Visitor address: Aure rådhus, 6690 Aure E-mail: Phone: +47 71 64 74 00 Line manager: Johannes Kalland Visitor address: Aure rådhus, 6690 Aure E-mail: Phone: + 47 71 64 74 00 Please attend and talk to our representatives at the fair, welcome to Reykjavik town hall 14-15th October. You will also find further information at our home page: Structural engineer Main responsibilities: - Building procedure and guidance - cedures for pla ing and building - Energy economizing - Responsibility for operation and maintenance plans - Financial management (operations and projects) - Customer and procedures in technical services - Monitoring of construction projects - We prefer nordic language Operations manager municipal technique - Relevant experience in the field (VAR area and transport) - Knowledge of current generic standard - Accuracy (reporting and follow-up for failure) - Good oral and written presentation skills - Use of electronic topical pro ram - Applicants must be able to manage their own car - We prefer nordic language Mannvir j r g VA verkfræðingur The unicipality is organized by a two level model with the chief executive, advisers in staff / shared services, and 9 line managers. We will attend the job fair 14-15th October in Reykjavik. We need two structural engineers and one VA engineer. Aure is a municipality at the west coast of Mid-Norway with more than 3,500 inhabitants. The municipality with its beautiful scenery with mountains, forests, seas and islands, is centrally located i the neighboring mu icipality to Kristiansund and about two hours drive to Trond eim. We have a diversified business with Statoil as the largest employer, ctive sports and cultural events and go d upbringing and livi g conditi ns for both sm ll and large, i cluding full day care for children. Innanríkisráðuneytið óskar eftir að ráða móttökuritara til starfa í ráðuneytinu í 50% starf. Helstu verkefni eru móttaka viðskiptavina og símsvörun ásamt því að sjá um starfsmannaeldhús ráðuneytisins. Gerð er krafa um að viðkomandi hafi staðgóða þekkingu á íslensku og ensku, búi yfir samskiptalipurð og hæfni í mannlegum samskiptum, hafi góða þjónustulund og geti unnið sjálfstætt. Um 50% starf er að ræða. Laun greiðast samkvæmt kjara- samningi starfsmanna stjórnarráðsins og fjármálaráðherra. Karlar jafnt sem konur eru hvattar til að sækja um auglýst starf. Upplýsingar um starfsemi innanríkisráðuneytisins er að finna á heimasíðunni Nánari upplýsingar um starfið veitir Sigurborg Stefáns- dóttir, mannauðsstjóri í síma 545 9000. Umsóknarfrestur er til 16. október 2011. Umsóknir skulu berast á netfangið eða til Innanríkisráðuneytisins, Sölvhólsgötu 7, 150 Reykjavík Athygli er vakin á því að umsóknir munu gilda í 6 mánuði frá því að umsóknarfrestur rennur út, með vísan til 3. tl. 2. mgr. 2. gr. regla nr. 464/1996 um auglýsingar á lausum störfum, með síðari breytingum, sem settar eru samkvæmt heimildi í 2. mgr. laga nr. 70/1996 um réttindi og skyldur starfsmanna ríkisins. sími: 511 1144
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