Íslenskt mál og almenn málfræði - 01.01.2005, Page 41
Kerfisbundnar breytingar
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‘Systematic changes in the use of prepositions in Icelandic: spatial and temporal use’
Keywords: prepositions, lexical meaning, functional meaning, relational meaning,
time, place, movement, drag-chain change
In this paper it is argued that prepositions have three kinds of meaning. In the first
place a lexical meaning, e.g. á ‘on’, í ‘in’, yfir ‘over’ and many more. Secondly a
functional meaning by which is meant that the prep. á for example refers to move-
ment (á staðinn) when it stands with the accusative but a state of rest when taking the
dative (á staðnum). Thirdly the prepositions fyrir and eftir have what may be called a
relational meaning, depending on whether they precede the point of reference or follow
it. In Old Icelandic the relational meaning of the prepositions fyrir and eftir can be
shown as follows: