

Læknablaðið - 01.06.1968, Side 73

Læknablaðið - 01.06.1968, Side 73
LÆKNABLAÐIÐ 147 thoracis) á sama tímabili, unnin úr réttarkrufningarskýrslum Rann- sóknarstofu Háskólans, alls 20 tilfelli, getið um orsök slyssins og áverka. Loks er sagt frá fjórum tilfellum, sem hafa komið til meðferðar á brjóstholsskurðdeild Landspítalans. SUMMARY: This paper deals with the general aspects of chest injuries, complications and treatment. It is emphasized that patienrs having such injuries are frequently in a most critical condition and in need of immediate care such as relieving the distress arising from the disturbances of natural cardio- respiratory function caused by the injuries. The importance of thoracic drainage by inserting an intercostal drainage catheter is discussed, and it is pointed out that such an operation frequently does save the patient’s life. Table 1 covers 42 cases of thoracic trauma during the period 1962—1966 incl. The various complications are further discussed as well as the treatment (from the Departments of Thoracic Surgery, General Surgery and Pediatrics of the University Hospital of Iceland). Table 2 covers the same period and deals with 20 cases, where death was caused by thoracic trauma as diagnosed post mortem, also covering the period 1962—1966 incl. (from the Department of Pathology of the University of Iceland). Finally, there are four case reports from the Department of Thoracic Surgery of the University of Iceland. Heiniildir: 1. Gibbon, J. H.: Surgery of the chest. Saunders Co., Philadelphia & London, 1966, 177—191. 2. Christphers Textbook of Surgery, Saunders Co., Philadelphia & London, 1960, 382—388. 3. Saegesser. M.: Spezielle Chirurgische Therapiae. Hans Huber, Bern, 1959, 199. 4. Sjúkra- og spjaldskrá brjóstholsskurðdeildar, handlækningadeildar og barnadeildar Landspítalans árin 1962—1966 incl. (ópr.). 5. Réttarkrufningaskýrslur Rannsóknarstofu Háskólans árin 1962—- 1966 incl. (ópr.).



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