

Læknablaðið - 01.06.1968, Page 75

Læknablaðið - 01.06.1968, Page 75
LÆKNABLAÐIÐ 149 RIT SEND LÆKNABLAÐINU Eftirfarandi sérprentanir af ritgerðum hafa borizt blaðinu: Júlíus Sigurjónsson: Trends in Mortality from Cancer, with Spe- cial Reference to Gastric Cancer in Iceland. J. Nat. Cancer Inst. 36: 899—907, 1966. Júlíus Sigurjónsson: Geographical Variations in Mortality from Cancer in Iceland, with Particular Reference to Stomach Cancer. J. Nat. Cancer Inst. 37: 337—346, 1966. Níels Dungal og Júlíus Sigurjónsson: Gastric Cancer and Diet. Br. J. Cancer Vol. XXI, 270, 1967. Júlíus Sigurjónsson: Occupational Variations in Mortality from Gastric Cancer in Relation to Dietary Differences. Br. J. Cancer Vol. XXI, 651, 1967. Þorsteinn Þorsteinsson og Guðmundur Þórðarson: Polycyclic Hydrocarbons in Singed Food in Iceland. Cancer, Vol. 21, No. 3, March 1968. Kjartan R. Guðmundsson: The Prevalence of Some Neurological Diseases in Iceland. Acta Neurol. Scandinav. 44, 57—69, 1968. Baldur Johnsen: The Causes of Perinatal Death. Acta path. et microbiol. Scandinav. 72, 31—42, 1968. Ólafur Bjarnason, Þorkell Jóhannesson og Tómas Á. Jónasson: Carbon Tetrachloride Poisoning in Reykjavík and Vicinity. Arc'niv fúr Toxikologie 23, 112—121, 1968. Ólafur Bjarnason og Siiields Warren: Late Effects on Kidney in Whole-Body-Irradiated Parabiosed Rats. Radiation Res. Vol. 33, No. 2, February 1968. Alma Þórarinsson, Ólafur Jensson og Ólafur Bjarnason: Masse- undersögelser med henblik pá collum cancer. Nord. Med. 78, 1608— 1611, 1967. Ólafur Jensson, Þóroddur Jónasson og Ólafur Ólafsson: Here- ditary Elliptocytosis in Iceland. Brit. J. Haemat., 13, 844, 1967. G. Beckman og E. Ó. Jóhannsson: Haptoglobins and Transferrins in the Icelandic Population. Acta. genet., Basel 17: 341—344, 1967. G. Beckman og E. Ó. Jóhannsson: Distribution of Placental AI- kaline Phosphatase Types in the Icelandic Population. Acta genet., Basel 17: 413—417, 1967. Stefán Haraldsson: The Epiphyseal Angle in Coxa Vara Infantum and its Relation to Results. Acta orthop. Scandinav. 39, 76—81, 1968. Guðmundur Georgsson: Íjber eine besondere Form von Bronchus- carcinom. Z. Krebsforsch. 70, 320—324, 1968. Guðmundur Georgsson og Wolfgang Wessel: Elektronenmikro- skopische und enzymatisch-analytische Untersuchung eines eosinophilen Granuloms. Virchows Arch. Path. Anat. 343, 177—188, 1967. Blaðið sendir öllum höfundunum beztu þakkir fyrir greinarnar



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