

Læknablaðið - 01.02.1973, Blaðsíða 28

Læknablaðið - 01.02.1973, Blaðsíða 28
16 LÆKNABLAÐIÐ Ég held, að allir, sem til þekkja, séu sammála um, að góður árangur náist ekki við sytólogíska rannsókn nema með mik- illi yfirlegu og alúð og langri þjálfun á því sviði. Hvað viðkemur aðstöðu til röntgen- myndatöku við fjöldarannsóknir, þá hlýt- ur hún að teljast ágæt hér. Að öllu þessu athuguðu hljótum við að stefna að því að hrinda í framkvæmd hér hið fyrsta, skipulagðri leit að lungna- krabba meðal reykingafólks í þeim aldurs- flokkum, sem hættast er við að fá sjúk- dóminn. SUMMARY One of the most striking features in mor- tality statistics from nearly all of the develop- ed countries is the steady and uninterrupted rise in the incidence of bronchogenic car- cinoma. There is £dso a close correlation be- tween bronchial cancer and cigarette smoking which is now generally accepted as the main cause of the rising incidence of this disease. During the period from 1931-1954 only 34 cases of bronchial cancer were reported in Iceland in comparison with 261 cases during the 14 year period from 1955-1968. The rising incidence is closely associated with greatly increased cigarette smoking (Thorarinsson et al. 1967).21 Squamous cell carcinoma is generally the most common histological type of lung cancer (50-70% of all lung cancer in most countries). In Iceland, however, the majority of the cases of lung cancer are of the oat-cell and un- differentiated type. The possible explanations for this difference are discussed and the in- teresting fact that the male/female ratio is nearly equal (1.3:1) is also pointed out, which is in contrast to the ratio found in other European countries and North America where this neoplasm is far more common in men than women. The only possible cure so far for this dis- ease is surgical removal of the lesion, but the five year suxvival is, however, still only 4-8%. At the present time, the main emphasis must therefore be on the early detection of lung cancer. Mass chest X-ray and sputum cytology screening surveys are expensive, but we consider the periodical performance of such surveys justifiable in the “high risk” population groups, e. g. heavy smokers aged 40-70 years. However, it has been shown that these screening techniques are deficient when either one is used alone (Grzybowski et al. 1970) and they should therefore, if possible, always be combined. In Iceland the proportion of the rapidly growing oat-cell and undifferentiated types of bronchogenic cancer makes it even more ur- gent to detect this disease at a very early stage, in our opinion. HEIMILDIR 1. Ashley, D. J. B. Environmental Factors in the Aetiology of Lung Cancer and Bron- chitis. British Journal of Preventive and Social Medicine 23(4) :258-62. 1969. 2. Auerbach, O., Gere, J. B., Pawlawski, J. M„ Muehsam, G. E„ Smolin, H. J. & Stout, A. P. Carcinoma in situ and early invasive carcinoma occurring in the tracheobronchial trees in cases of bron- chial carcinoma. J. Thor. Surg. 34:298. 1957. 3. Belcher, J. R. World-wide Differences in the sex Ratio of Bronchogenic carcinoma. Brit. J. Dis. Chest. 65:205. 1971. 4. Bergh, N. P„ Scherstén, T. Bronchogenic Carcinoma Acta Chir. Scand. Supple- mentum 347:7. Stockholm 1965. 5. Bjarnason, Ó. Cancer Incidence in Iceland. Med. Monographs 2: Racial and Geographi- cal Factors in Tumor Incidence. [Univer- sity Press]. Edinburgh 1967. 6. Brett, G. Z. The Value of Lung Cancer Detection by Six-monthly Chest Radio- graphs. Tliorax 23:414. 1968. 7. Collins, V. P„ Loeffler, R. K. & Tivey, H. Observation on Growth Rates of Human Tumors. Am. J. Roentgenol. 76:988-1000. 1956. 8. Delarue, N. C. Cancer of the Lung. Can- adian Family Physician 15(12) :40. 1969. 9. Gross, K„ Kubik, A. & Styblo, K. Studies on Early Detection of Lung Cancer in a District with a Population of Approximate- ly 100.000 Inhabitants. Proceedings of the First International Symposium on Detec- tion of Cancer [Spa, Liege, Belgium], 319- 22. 1968. 10. Grzybowski, S. & Coy, P. Early Diagnosis of Carcinoma of the Lung. Simultaneous Screening with Chest X-ray and Sputum Cytology. Cancer 25:113-20. 1970. 11. Hattori, S„ Matsuda, M„ Sugiyama, T. & Matsuda, H. Cytologic Diagnosis of Lung Cancer. Brushing Method Under X-ray Television Fluoroscopy. Dis. Chest. 45:129. 1964. 12. Holman, C. W. & Okinaka, A. Occult Carci- noma of the Lungs. J. Thor. Cardiov. Surg. 47:466. 1964. 13. Kubik, A„ Styblo, K„ Tomanek, A„ Gross, K. & Svandova E, Lung Cancer Detection and Tuberculosis Control in the District of Kolin. Proceedings of the First Inter- national Symposium on Detection of Can- cer [Spa, Liege, Belgium], 327-31. 1968. 14. Mason, M. K. & Jordan, J. W. Carcinoma in Situ and Early Invasive Carcinoma of the Bronchus. Thorax 24:461. 1969. 15. Meyer, J. A„ Bechoid, E. & Jones, D. B. Positive Sputum Cytologic Tests for Five Years Before Specific Detection of Bron-
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