Læknablaðið - 15.08.1982, Page 28
hvað varðar tímasetningu á kynþroskavaxt-
arsprettinum. Þessi ályktun fær ákveðinn
stuðning frá rannsóknum í tann- og kynþroska
(21, 22), en jafnframt frá rannsóknum á líkams-
hæð (29) hérlendis, sem sýna hverfandi mun
milli íslenskra og danskra barna, en þó sýna
íslensk börn í flestum tilvikum fyrri þroska.
Pakkir. Bestu þakkir færi ég Porvaldi Gunnlaugssyni B.S.,
Reiknistofnun Háskóla íslands fyrir tölfræöilega meðferð
rannsóknargagna. Á sama hátt þakka ég Heilbrigðismála-
ráði Reykjavíkurborgar og Raunvísindadeild Vísindasjóðs
fyrir ómetanlega aðstoð.
The mean time at onset of seven stages of skeletal
maturation of the hand, in a cross-sectional sample
of Icelandic school children in Reykjavík, a total of
1426 (690 boys and 736 girls), was assessed on
radiographs of the hand and compared with results
published from Denmark and Greenland. On the
whole, the Icelandic children reached their skeletal
maturity earlier than the Danish children and
significantly earlier than the Greenlandic ones,
except for two of the stages in the boys. Otherwise,
the mutual relationship between the skeietal stages
was very similar. Giris reached all stages significant-
ly sooner than boys, and this agrees with the
findings in Denmark and in Greenland. The sex
difference was most marked in the Icelandic materi-
al. The accidental error due to method in assessing
the differences in skeletal maturation proved to be
less than 5 °/o, similar to that reported by others.
1. Greulich, W.W. & Pyle, S.I. Radiografic atlas of
skeletal development of the hand and wrist. 2nd.
ed. Stanford University Press, Stanford Calif.
2. Tanner, J.M., Whitehouse, R.H. & Healy, M.J.R.
A new system for estimating the maturity of the
hand and wrist, with standards derived from
2,600 healthy British children. Part II. The
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Centre 1962.
3. Björk, A. & Helm, S. Prediction of the age of
maximum puberal growth in body height. Angle
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4. Björk, A. Timing of interceptive orthodontic
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5. Brown, T„ Barrett, M.J. & Grave, K.C. Facial
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Tandlægebladet, 1971, 1211-1222.
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with body height and skeletal maturation at
adolescence. Angle Orthod. 1966, 36, 44-54.
7. Pileski, R.C.A. & Woodside, D.G. Relationship
of the ulnar sesamoid bone and maximum
mandibular growth velocity. Angle Orthodont.
1973, 43, 162-170.
8. Andersen, E. Skéletal maturation of danish
school children in relation to height, sexual
development and social conditions. Universi-
tetsforlaget i Árhus, 1968, 102-105.
9. Blanco, R.A., Acheson, R.M., Canosa, Cipriano &
Salomon, J.B. Retardation in appearance of
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10. Greulich, W.W. The growth and developmental
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11. Greulich, W.W. A comparison of physical
growth and development of American born and
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1957, 15, 489-515.
12. Koski, K„ Haataja, J. & Lappaleinen, M. Skeletal
development of the hand and wrist in Finnish
children. Am. J. Phys. Anthrop. 1961, 19, 379-382.
13. Lee, M„ M. Maturation disparity between hand-
wrist bones in Hong Kong Chinese children.
Am. J. Phys. Anthrop. 1971, 34, 385-396.
14. Helm, S„ Siersbæk-Nielsen, S„ Skieller, V. &
Björk, A. Skeletal maturation of the hand in
relation to maximum puberal growth in body
height. Tandlægebladet, 1971,75, 1223-1234.
15. Grave, K.C. & Brown, T. Skeletal ossification
and the adolescent growth spurt. Am. J. Orthod.
1976, 69,611-619.
16. Magnússon, Þ.E. Meðalaldur íslenskra stúlkna
við fyrstu tíðir. Læknablaðið 1980, 66: 110-113.
17. Schouboe, K. Skeletal modning hos danske
piger omkring puberteten. Tandlægebladet
18. Birbech, J.A. and Lee, M. Growth and skeletal
maturation in British Columbia Indian populati-
on. Am. J. Phys. Antrop. 1973, 38: 727-738.
19. Dreizen, S„ Snodgrasse, R„ Parker, G„ Currie, C.
and Spies T. Maturation of bone in hand and
wrist of children with cronic nutritive failure.
Am. J. Dis. Child. 1954, 87: 429-439.
20. Levine, E. The skeletal development of four
south african populations. Human Biology. 1972,
44: 399-412.
21. Magnússon, T.E. Emergence of permanent teeth
and onset of dental stages in the population of
Iceland. Community Dent. Oral Epidemiol.
1976a, 4, 30-37.
22. Magnússon, T.E. An epidemiologic study of
occlusal anomalies in relation to development
of the dentition in Icelandic children. Communi-
ty Dent. Oral Epidemiol. 1976b, 4, 121-128.
23. Magnússon, T.E. Prevalence of hypodontia and
malformations of permanent teeth in Iceland.
Community Dent. Oral Epidemiol. 1977a, 5, 173-
24. Magnússon, T.E. An epidemiologic study of
space anomalies in Icelandic schoolchildren.
1977b, 5, 292-300.