Læknablaðið : fylgirit - 01.09.1977, Qupperneq 7

Læknablaðið : fylgirit - 01.09.1977, Qupperneq 7
i FYLGIRIT BLAÐIÐ THE ICELANDIC MEDICAL JOURNAL Ritstjóri fræöilegs efnis: Bjami Þjóðleifsson Ritstjóri félagslegs efnis: öm Bjamason EFNI Læknaeiðurinn (Hippokrates).......... 3 Genfarheit lækna..................... 4 Alþjóðasiðareglur lækna.............. 5 International Code of Medical Ethics. 7 Declaration of Geneva................ 8 Codex ethicus-Siöareglur lækna....... 8 Declaration of Sidney............... 14 Declaration of Oslo................. 15 Declaration of Helsinki............. 16 Declaration of Tokyo................ 19 Recommendations on the rights of the sick and dying-Council of Europe. 2o Declaration of Hawaii-Draft 1977.... 23 Principles of Medical Ethics (AMA).. 25 Ethical Code of the Commonwealth Medical Association.............. 27 Medical Ethics (BMA)................. 28 Etiske regler for læger (Ðadl)..... 29 Letur fjölritaöi sept. 1977


Læknablaðið : fylgirit

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