Læknablaðið : fylgirit - 01.09.1977, Page 27

Læknablaðið : fylgirit - 01.09.1977, Page 27
21 3. Observing that sick persons may find it difficult to defend their own interests, especially when undergoing treatment in large hospitals; 4. Considering that recently it has become generally agreed that doctors should in the first place respect the will of the sick persons with regard to the treatment the person concerned has to undergo; 5. Being of the opinion that the right to personal dignity and integrity, to information and proper care should be clearly de- fined and granted to every person; 6. Convinced that the duty of the medical profession is to serve mankind, to protect health, to treat sickness and injury, and to relieve suffering, with respect for human life and the human per- son, and convinced that the prolongation of life should not in itself constitute the exclusive aim of medical practice, which must be concemed equally with the relief of suffering; 7. Considering that the doctor must make every effort to allevi- ate suffering and that he has no right, even in cases which ap- pear to him to be desperate, intentionally to hasten the natural course of death; 8. Emphasising that the prolongation of life by artificial means depends to a large extent on factors such as the availability of efficient equipment and that doctors working in hospitals where the technical equipment permits a particularly long prolongation of life are often in a delicate position as far as the continua- tion of the treatment is concemed, especially in cases where all cerebal functions of a person have irreversibly ceased; 9.1nsisting that doctors shall act in accordance with science and approved medical experience, and that no doctor or other member of the medical profession may be compelled to act contrary to the dictates of his own conscience in relation to the right of the sick not to suffer unduly; 10. Recommends that the Conmittee of Ministers invite the govem- ments of the member states: I.a. to take all necessary action, particularly with respect to the training of medical personnel and the organisation of medical services, to ensure that all sick persons, whether in hospital or in their own homes, receive relief of their suffering as effec- tive as the current state of medical knowledge pennits; b. to impress upon doctors that the sick have a right of full infonration, if they request it, on their illness and the pro- posed treatment, and to take action to see that special informa- tion is given when entering hospital as regards the routine,


Læknablaðið : fylgirit

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