Búskapur hins opinbera 1945-1980 - 01.01.1983, Blaðsíða 81
English translations of table headings.
1. Búskapur hins opinbera
2. Búskapur ríkisins
3. Almannatryggingakerfið
4. Búskapur sveitarfélaganna
5. Búskapur hins opinbera,
hlutföll af tekjum alls
6. Búskapur rikisins, hlutföll
af tekjum alls
V. Almannatryggingakerfió,
hlutföll af skatttekjum
hins opinbera
8. Búskapur sveitarfélaganna,
hlutföll af tekjum alls
9-12. Búskapur ríkisins,
nánari sundurliðun
13-16. Almannatryggingakerfiö,
nánari sundurliöun
17-20. Búskapur sveitarfélaganna,
nánari sundurlióun
21. Búskapur ríkisins, hlutföll
af skatttekjum
22. Búskapur sveitarfélaganna,
hlutföll af skatttekjum
23. Skatttekjur hins opinbera
og innbyrðis skipting þeirra
24. Skattar sem hlutfall af
vergri þjóöarframleiðslu
25. Otgjöld hins opinbera og
verg þjóóarframleiðsla
26. Tekju og útgjaldareikningur
hins opinbera og fjármagns-
27. Útgjöld hins opinbera,
flokkuð eftir viðfangsefni
og tegund
28. Útgjöld rikisins, flokkuð
eftir viðfangsefni og
General government
Central government
Social security system
Local government
General government, percen-
tage of total current receipts
Central government,
percentage of total ■
current receipts
Social security system,
percentage of general
government tax revenue
Local government,
percentage of total current
Detailed account of
central government
Detailed account of social
security system
Detailed account of local
Central government,
percentage of tax revenue
Local government,
percentage of tax revenue
General government tax
revenue and its breakdown
by direct and indirect
taxes as well as by local
and central government
Taxes as percentage of
Outlays of government and
General government income
and outlay account and
capital accumulation account
General government outlays
by function and type
Central government outlays
by function and type