Málfríður - 15.03.2012, Blaðsíða 29

Málfríður - 15.03.2012, Blaðsíða 29
Pilar Concheiro Coello is an expert in the field of Spanish as a foreign language. She has worked for the Spanish Ministry of Edu- cation in collaboration with the University of Santiago de Com- postela and Instituto Cervantes in their teacher training courses. Currently, she works at the Uni- versity of Iceland, where she teaches B.A and M.A programs, including the Master in learn- ing and Teaching of Spanish in Multilingual Contexts (MULTIELE). She is also a teacher at Kvennaskólinn í Reykjavík and at Keilir, where she has developed a special course in Spanish for cabin crews. Her main field of interest and research, where she has published several articles, is the application of new technologies and their influence on the learning process. Introduction: a new educational approach. “High. schools. are. obsolete .. By. obsolete,. I. mean. that.our.high.schools.–.even.when.they’re.working. exactly. as. designed. –. cannot. teach. our. kids. what. they.need.to.know.today. .. .. ..Training.the.workforce. of.tomorrow.with.the.high.schools.of.today.is.like. trying. to. teach.kids.about. today‘s.computers.on.a. 50-year-old. mainframe .. It‘s. the. wrong. tool. for. the. times .. Our. high. schools. were. designed. fifty. years. ago. to. meet. the. needs. of. another. age .. Until. we. design.them.to.meet.the.needs.of.the.21st.century,. we. will. keep. limiting. the. lives. of. millions. of. stu- dents.every.year .” .................................Gates,.B ..(2005) The. Internet. and. Web. 2 .0. have. been. a. social. change. in.the.world.of.communications . Our.way.of.relating. with.other.people,.to.seek.and.obtain.information.and. even. to. learn. has. changed. and. is. conditioned. by. the. use.of.new.technologies . . The.study.and.practice.of.a.language.involves.inter- action.and.communication .  If.students.use.social.net- works. and. other. technologies. for. this. purpose,. their. incorporation. into. the.educational.context.as.didactic. tools.can.have.positive.implications,.in.terms.of.the.atti- tude.of.learners.towards.the.learning.materials.used.in. class,.and.positively.influence.the.process.of learning .. What.primarily.characterizes.the.Web.2 .0.applications. is. that. they. facilitate. information. sharing,. interac- tion. and. collaboration. among. its. users,. concepts. that. fit. perfectly. into. a. socio-constructivist. approach .  Its. application. to. language. teaching. provides. teachers. with.new.possibilities. for.designing.materials,.but. . it. is. necessary. to. implement. a. methodology. in. accord- ance.with.these.new.tools . The.fact.of.using.them.in.an. educational.environment.implies.a.change.in.the.peda- gogical. perspective. of. teachers. and. students:. a. more. student. centered. approach,. where. the. teacher. serves. as. a. guide. during. the. learning. process,. not. the. only. source.of.input,.providing.the.students.with.necessary. tools. for. their. learning. process .. We. must. not. forget. to. mention. the. Informal Learning. described. by. Cross. (2007:16). as. “the. unofficial,. unscheduled,. impromptu. way.people.learn”.and.the.Connectivism Theory which. states.that.knowledge.is.acquired.through.connections. established. in. a. net. where. individuals,. information. and.institutions.are.involved . 2. Woices 2.1. The application 1Woices is a.simple,. free.online.application.created by. Xavier.Guardiola . It.enhances. the.ability.to.create audi- oguides.and virtual.paths . It.is .an.application.that com- bines.the.possibilities of.podcasting with an.item such. as. ”Google  Maps“. along. with  more. options. like. including. text.descriptions, pictures. that. significantly. illustrate  the. description. and  the. resulting. audio. file .. The. purpose. of  Woices  is. to. provide  a. serv- ice  where. people  can. record. and  share. sto- ries  and. information. about. a. specific. location .. With. Woices  you.can.create, share.and hear.“echoes”,. audio.recordings.that.are.linked to.a.geographic.loca- tion that you.want.to.share ..They.can be.about history,. art,.curiosities related.to.a. .place, personal.memories,. advice and.opinions .  Woices in the language class Pilar Concheiro Coello. MÁLFRÍÐUR 29



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