Málfríður - 15.03.2012, Blaðsíða 30
sumen,. crean. y. comparten. contenido”,. which. means.
that. students. consume,. create. and. share. information.
online .
Woices as. a. didactic. tool. offers. many. possibilities ..
My favorite place in the world: students.describe.
and.talk.about.their.favorite.place.in.the.world ..
My holidays/ My trip to: after. coming. back. from.
what.they.did.there ..The.rest.of.the.class.or.even.the.
parents.can.have.access.to.it.and.leave.comments .
Language and literature. Poetry: students.create a.
route. through. the cities. where the. Spanish. poets.
each.place ..This.could.be.easily.adapted.to.a.similar.
task,.e .g ..by.describing.the.places.where.an.impor-
tant.writer.or.artist.lived .
Language and literature. Novel: create a.route.with.
the. places. described in. a. novel. that. the. students.
like.or.they.have.to.read.as.part.of.the.course ..This.
task. could. also. be. used. after. watching. a. film. and.
characters.in.every.place .
Touristic audio guides: students. of. language.
for. specific. purposes,. such. as. tourism, could. cre-
ate audio.guides about.different.touristic.places .
Magical route from memory:. students record the.
stories.and.legends.told.by. their.grandparents and.
locate.them.geographically .
Woices can.also.be.used.as.an.evaluation.tool,.for.
assignments.as.oral.presentations ..The.focus.of.the.
evaluation.can.then.be.placed.on.pronunciation .
Regarding. the. skills. acquired. with. this. applica-
ed:. students. speak,. interact. orally,. write. and. read.
the. texts,. and. the. comments. on. the. Community ..
Socio. cultural. contents. from. the. target. culture. are.
also.presented.in.an.explicit.way .
3.1. Woices at Kvennaskólinn í Reykjavík
Woices. as. a. didactic. tool. was. used. during. the. spring.
semester. 2012 .. Students. from. the. courses. Spænska.
Woices is.available.in.Spanish.but.it.can.be.also.used.in.
English,.French.and.Catalan ..It.also.offers a.free appli-
cation for.mobile.phones.like Android, Blackberry and.
iPhone ..
To. start. using Woices,. the. first. thing. that. has. to. be.
done.is.to.register.and.create a.personal.account,.which.
is.completely.free . If.the.application.is.going.to.be.used.
pairs. or. small. groups,. it. is. advisable. that. everybody.
in.the.course.uses.the.same.user.name and.password ..
Once. the. account. has. been. created,. students. and.
teacher. can. start. exploring. the. application. and. cre-
ating. their. final. product . The. entire. process. of creat-
ing an. “echo”. or. audio. guide consists. of. three. steps:.
placing. the. monument/. building/shop,. restaurant.
etc . on.the.map.and..giving.it.a..name,..creating.a.route.
order).and.finally uploading.it ..The.routes.are.dynam-
adding.or.deleting.one.echo ..So,.from.the.pedagogical.
on.going.beyond.the.classroom.walls .
But.Woices is.not.only.a tool.to.share files online.as.
it.can.work.as.a. social network,. thanks.to. its.section.
common. interests. but. also. share. a. topic. and. express.
different.opinions.in.the.Forum ...For.educational.pur-
poses,. it. is. important. to. know. that. the. group. can. be.
access. to. it). or. public. with. invitation. (just. for. those.
who.have.been.invited.to.participate.in.it) ..
3. A web 2.0 pedagogic tool. How can we use it in
the language class.
In.the.field.of.education,.the.Webquests can.be.seen.
as.the.precedent.of.Woices ..Both.of.them.try.to.promote.
a. more. collaborative. type. of. learning,. but. the. main.
difference.is.that.with.the.Webquests the.content.is.not.
inside.the.course ..Woices, on.the.other.hand,.can.be.eas-
ily.described.as.a.web.2 .0.tool.because,.as.Herrera.and.
Conejo. (2009).point.out:.”To.consider. that.an.activity.
belongs.to.the.web.2 .0 philosophy is.not.enough.that.
it. involves. the.use.of.some of. their. tools (blog,.social.
networking,.wiki,.podcast, etc . .),.it.must.be consistent.
with the. principles that. define. it:. the. ability. to share.
content.online.with other.users and participate.in the.
“great digital.conversation .“
“When planning.a significant.activity for.the Spanish.
classroom using. social. networks. is important. to.
note that. students consume. information apart. from.
having. the. opportunity. to create new. content. and to.
determine.how.to.share. it. in. the.digital.echosystem .“.
Herrera.&.Pujolá.(2012) ..This.is.what.the.authors.define.