
Fréttablaðið - 19.07.2014, Qupperneq 31

Fréttablaðið - 19.07.2014, Qupperneq 31
| ATVINNA | » » @meniga Are you a future Menigan? Meniga was established in 2009 and has since enjoyed significant growth year on year. With this continued growth we are looking for a financial controller to drive the next phase of our ambitious growth plan. Financial Controller Reporting directly to the CFO, your mission will be to take ownership of the P&L, understand and manage the key business drivers whilst providing financial & economic analysis to ensure the optimal use of resources. You will work closely with our sales and product teams to deliver accurate forecasts whilst ensuring the sales team adheres to financial and legal requirements. We are looking for an accountant who is able to demonstrate a strong understanding of our business. You must have a proven track record of finance control within a commercial environment and be able to build strong working relationships with your customer base and be happy to support and challenge where needed. Strong English language capabilities are needed. Application deadline: 25 July 2014 Job location: Iceland Please send your CV and cover letter in English to Quality and Safety Engineer at Tern Systems We’re looking for a Quality and Safety Engineer to join our Quality and Safety Team. You will take part in process-improvement initiatives to strengthen projects and product lifecycle stages, actively coaching employees on company ś engineering practises. You will perform quality and safety engineering tasks as required in projects. Tern Systems is a subsidiary of Isavia and provides systems to customers in Europe, North Africa, East Asia and Southeast Asia, see For further information, contact Tómas Davíð Þorsteinsson, General Manager, on 525-0500 or at All applications and CVs shall be sent to Quality and Safety Engineer Qualifications include: • B.Sc/M.Sc. engineering degree, • experience in the application of industry software and system-related standards such as ISO/IEC 12207, ED-109(A)/DO-278(A), ED-153, IEC 61508 and CMMI-DEV, • strong understanding of software and systems development lifecycle, • experience in complex systems sectors (ideally in the Air Traffic Management domain) preferable, • experience in agile practises preferable. Desirable Qualifications include: • know-how of requirements management tools, • knowledge of Eurocontrol SAM, • knowledge of safety techniques such as FTA, FMEA and RBD, • experience in management of engineering analysis, design and integration activities. Managerial and personal skills include; • ability to work in a collaborative, team oriented environment, • team leadership abilities, • strong verbal and written communication skills, • a high level of analytical and problem solving skills, • ability to read and understand large amount of documentation, • ability to address presentations to audience of different backgrounds. Laus störf hjá ríkinu og upplýsingar um málefni ríkisstarfsmanna Starf Stofnun Staður Nr. á vef Aðstoðarmaður við hjúkrun Heilbrigðisst. Austurl., Seyðisfj. Seyðisfjörður 201407/571 Lögreglumaður Lögreglustjórinn á Seyðisfirði Egilsstaðir 201407/570 Gjaldkeri Lánasjóður íslenskra námsmanna Reykjavík 201407/569 Deildarlæknir öldrunarlækningad. Sjúkrahúsið á Akureyri Akureyri 201407/568 Þjónusta og þrif Þjóðgarðurinn á Þingvöllum Þingvellir 201407/567 Geislafræðingur Heilbrigðisst. Vestmannaeyjum Vestmannaeyj. 201407/566 Heimilislæknir Heilbrigðisst. Vestmannaeyjum Vestmannaeyj. 201407/565 Yfirlæknir og heimilislæknir Heilsugæslan í Fjarðabyggð Egilsstaðir 201407/564 Framhaldsskólakennarar Fjölbrautarskóli Snæfellinga Grundarfjörður 201407/563 Sálfræðingur Heilbrigðisstofnun Suðurnesja Keflavík 201407/562 Sjúkraliðar LSH, Hjúkrunardeild á Vífilsstöðum Garðabær 201407/561 Starfsmenn við aðhlynningu LSH, Hjúkrunardeild á Vífilsstöðum Garðabær 201407/560 Ljósmóðir Sjúkrahús Heilbrigðisst. Vesturl. Akranes 201407/559 Sérhæfður aðstoðarm. sjúkraþjálfaraLSH, Sjúkraþjálfun Hringbraut Reykjavík 201407/558 Heilbrigðisritari/skrifstofumaður LSH, Sjúkraþjálfun á Grensási Reykjavík 201407/557 Enskukennari Fjölbrautaskóli Snæfellinga Grundarfjörður 201407/556 Hjúkrunarfræðingur Heilsugæslustöð HVE í Ólafsvík Ólafsvík 201407/ Kópavogsbær Spennandi störf hjá Kópavogsbæ · Þjónustufulltrúi í þjónustuver Kópavogsbæjar · Leikskólastjóri í Grænatún · Sérkennari í leikskólann Álfatún · Leikskólakennari í leikskólann Álfatún · Leikskólakennari í leikskólann Marbakka · Deildarstjóri í leikskólann Austurkór · Deildarstjóri í leikskólann Urðarhól Nánari upplýsingar og fleiri störf er að finna á vef Kópavogsbæjar Eingöngu er hægt að sækja um störfin rafrænt á vef Kópavogsbæjar Vakin er athygli á að öll laus störf hjá bænum eru auglýst LAUGARDAGUR 19. júlí 2014 5
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