Hagskýrslur um utanríkisverslun - 1974, Blaðsíða 79
Verzlunarskýrslur 1972
plus subdivisions marked B, C, eíc., these letters in the Icelandic nomenclature being substituted
by numbers at 5th digit: A — 1, B=2, etc.). A 6th digit is added for further subdivisions for national
use. A code number with 2 zeros at 5th and 6th digits (XX.XX.00) is identical tvith the same B.T.N.
code number, uhich has not been subdivided for statislical purposes nor is there a subdivision for
national use. — There are a feiv exceptions from tlie rule that figures 1, 2 etc. at 5th and 6lh digits
indicate subdivisions for international slatistical purposes and for national use respectively.
4. The tariff number of each heading is stated above its text to the left, but to the right is shoivn the cor-
responding number in the Standard International Trade Classification, Revised.
5. A star in front of the text of a heading indicates that the text has been abbrcviated. The full text can
be seen in the Customs Tariff itself ivhich is available in English translation and can be obtained
from the Office of the State Treasurer, Reykjavik, Iceland. As to code numbers of type XX.XX.00
or XX.XX.XO reference is made to the United Nations publication STATISTICAL PA PERS,
Series Af, No. 34, pp. 49-130.
6. Countries from which imports amount to less than 50 000 kr. (CIF) are not specified if their number
is 2 or more. The number of such countries is stated in brackels behind ,,önnur lönd“ or ,,ýmis lönd“
which signifies respectively ,,other countries“ and ,,sundry countries“
1. kafli. Lifandi dýr.
Tonn Þub. kr. Þús. kr.
1. kafli alU 0,1 217 247
01.06.29 önnur lifandi dýr. 941.00
Alls 0,1 217 247
Danmörk 0.1 160 174
önnur lönd (3) .... 0,0 57 73
2. kafli. Kjöt og œtir hlutir af dýrum.
2. kafli alls 1,4 625 638
02.01.10 011.10
*Kjöt af nautgripum. Bandaríkin 1,4 620 633
02.01.30 011.30
*Kjöt af svínum. Danmörk 0,0 5 5
3. kafli. Fiskur, krabbadýr og lindýr.
3. kafli alls 1 247,2 27 378 32 442
03.01.01 031.10
Lifandi fiskur í fiskibúri eða öðru íláti.
Alls 0,0 162 205
Danmörk 0,0 147 185
Svíþjóð 0,0 15 20
03.01.09 031.10
*Annar fískur í nr. 03.01, ísvarinn, kældur eða
Alls 152,3 3 119 3 765
Færeyjar 2,1 49 55
Grænland 0,2 56 57
Pólland 150,0 3 014 3 653
03.03.01 031.30
*Smokkfiskur og skelfiskur til beitu.
Alls 1 094,8 23 987 28 348
Fœreyiar 202,7 5 908 6 501
Tonn FOB Þúa. kr. CIF Þús. kr.
Bretland ... 10,0 234 242
Pólland .... 428,6 7 709 9 357
Bandaríkin . 453,5 10 136 12 248
03.03.09 *önnur krabbadýr og lindýr í nr. 03.03. 031.30
Alls 0,1 110 124
Danmörk ... 0,1 102 115
Holland .... 0.0 8 9
4. kafli. Mjólkurafurðir; fuglaegg;
4. kafli alls .... 52,9 5 302 5 745
04.02.10 022.10
Mjólk og rjómi, niðursoðið, fljótandi eða hálf-
V-Þýzkaland 0,5 29 30
04.02.20 022.20
*Mjólk og rjórai niðursoðið. , í föstu formi.
AUs 2,6 528 577
Bretland 0,2 40 43
Bandaríkin 2,4 488 534
04.04.00 024.00
Ostur og ostahlaup.
Alls 0,6 109 121
Danmörk 0,2 49 51
önnur lönd (4) .... 0.4 60 70
04.05.00 025.00
AUs 3,8 1 402 1 452
Danmörk 0,3 53 55
Bandarikin 3,5 1 311 1 352
önnur lönd (2) .... 0,0 38 45