Tölvumál - 01.11.2015, Qupperneq 12
up. Now we are starting to provide more information than the original
dashboard. And I think we can get even more. But let’s undo the
normalization of the scales and partly reintroduce colour classes of
different sizes. I want to keep the reddest danger zone intact because if
I would change that too the original problem of misaligned information
from the needles (now points) would resurface (image 5).
Image 5
Now A3 has the long Álag that it had originally. The red ovals are still in
the same place, to make it easier to glance if a bullet is in the danger
zone. This dashboard is clearer than the original, which makes it quicker
and easier to read information from it.
There is one thing in the original charts I haven’t mentioned yet. You’ll
notice that some of them have a small button to the top left of the gauge.
That’s a link to a line chart of this data, showing the last day, week or
months’ worth of values. Click a button and you will summon up a line
chart filling the whole screen. In a dashboard full of gauges, you have no
room for extra information. Now, however, we can easily show all these
hidden values as sparklines (image 6).
Image 6
To make room for the sparklines I moved the red ovals into the first
column. The sparklines show the trend for the last day, week or month.
The red bands on the sparklines show where on the colour scale the line
has been for that time, omitting blue for clarity.
I get excited when I hear of new ways that visualizing data can help
people do their jobs better. But it saddens me to see great data drown in
bad design — especially design that mimics real-world objects for no
good reason — and to see that design fail to communicate the data. We
can do a lot better. And we should.
More information on color schemes can be found on ColorBrewer at http://
Föstudaginn 5. febrúar:
ráðstefna og sýning fyrir tölvufólk
Laugardaginn 6. febrúar:
sýning og fræðsla fyrir alla
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