Vinnumarkaður - 01.06.1995, Page 12
Table 6.54 Unemployment rate by last economic activity, occupation and sex 1992-1994..................... 116
Table 6.55 Employees by labour organization and sex 1993-1994............................................ 117
Table 6.56 Rate of employee union participation by age group, recidence, education level, economic activity,
occupation and sex 1993-1994................................................................. 118
Table 6.57 Employee average actual hours worked by labour organization and sex 1993-1994................. 119
Table 6.58 Population 16-74 years by main activity status, age group and sex 1992-1994................. 120
Table 6.59 Population 16-74 years by main activity status, residence and sex 1992-1994 ................ 122
Table 6.60 Population 16-74 years by main activity status, education level and sex 1992-1994 .......... 123
Table 6.61 Population 25-64 years by main activity status, marital status and sex 1992-1994 ........... 124
Table 7.1 Registered unemployment as percentage of estimated number of man-years by region and sex
1992-1994.................................................................................... 126
Table 7.2 Registered unemployment by region and sex 1992-1994........................................... 128
Table 7.3 Registered unemployment at end of month by region and sex 1992-1994 .......................... 130
Table 7.4 Estimated number of man-years by region and sex 1992-1994..................................... 132
Table 7.5 Registered unentployed persons 15-24 years. Percentage of total unemployment by residence
and sex 1992-1994............................................................................ 134
Table 7.6 Registered unemployment for 6 months or longer. Percentage of total unemployment
by residence and sex 1992-1994............................................................... 135
Table 8.1 Labour force projection by sex and age group 1995-2025........................................ 137
Table9.1 Number of full and active members of labour federations 1991-1994............................. 138
Table 10.1 Unemployment and labour force participation rates in selected OECD countries by sex 1991-1993 139