Vinnumarkaður - 01.06.1995, Qupperneq 132

Vinnumarkaður - 01.06.1995, Qupperneq 132
130 Skráð atvinnuleysi 1992-1994 Tafla 7.3. Skráð atvinnuleysi í lok mánaðar eftir búsetu og kyni 1992-1994 Table 7.3. Registered unemployment at end ofmonth by region and sex 1992-1994 Fjöldi í lok mánaðar Number at end ofmonth AUs Total Höfuðborgarsvæði Capital region Vesturland Vestfirðir Alls Total Karlar Males Konur Females Alls Total Karlar Males Konur Females Alls Total Karlar Males Konur Females Alls Total Karlar Males Konur Females 1992 Meðaltal Average 4.280 2.164 2.116 2.191 1.170 1.021 229 103 125 53 29 24 Janúar January 4.050 2.178 1.872 1.458 920 538 190 83 107 26 16 10 Febrúar February 4.163 2.355 1.808 1.953 1.252 701 169 85 84 30 19 11 Mars March 3.815 2.187 1.628 2.003 1.245 758 175 87 88 19 15 4 Apríl April 3.768 2.043 1.725 1.941 1.140 801 210 92 118 13 10 3 Maí May 4.516 2.327 2.189 2.708 1.480 1.228 230 105 125 16 11 5 Júní June 3.928 1.794 2.134 2.284 1.053 1.231 224 92 132 32 17 15 Jiílí July 3.660 1.610 2.050 2.112 935 1.177 235 101 134 19 13 6 Ágúst August 3.644 1.658 1.986 1.912 904 1.008 263 123 140 65 42 23 September September 3.559 1.576 1.983 2.032 958 1.074 191 79 112 62 27 35 Október October 4.228 1.982 2.246 2.373 1.155 1.218 231 105 126 108 45 63 Nóvember November 4.998 2.562 2.436 2.661 1.409 1.252 256 117 139 104 53 51 Desember December 7.034 3.694 3.340 2.854 1.594 1.260 370 170 200 141 82 59 1993 Meðaltal Average 6.130 2.992 3.138 3.507 1.746 1.761 289 133 156 130 61 68 Janúar January 6.967 3.825 3.142 3.471 1.947 1.524 363 170 193 90 54 36 Febrúar February 6.999 3.841 3.158 3.789 2.162 1.627 335 183 152 209 101 108 Mars March 6.503 3.539 2.964 3.766 2.126 1.640 314 159 155 194 100 94 Apríl April 6.179 3.246 2.933 3.558 1.912 1.646 311 154 157 127 55 72 Maí May 5.973 2.993 2.980 3.401 1.723 1.678 318 154 164 144 59 85 Júní June 4.995 2.117 2.878 3.205 1.331 1.874 201 97 104 134 66 68 Júlí July 4.564 1.831 2.733 3.066 1.226 1.840 178 70 108 109 47 62 Agúst August 4.640 1.974 2.666 3.040 1.320 1.720 187 77 110 106 45 61 September September 4.827 2.062 2.765 3.146 1.406 1.740 202 75 127 87 37 50 Október October 5.566 2.494 3.072 3.513 1.637 1.876 263 102 161 86 35 51 Nóvember November 6.663 3.332 3.331 3.854 1.935 1.919 334 148 186 105 60 45 Desember December 9.682 4.650 5.032 4.271 2.223 2.048 466 209 257 164 78 86 1994 Meðaltal Average 6.625 3.064 3.561 3.887 1.817 2.070 353 166 187 136 60 76 Janúar January 9.671 4.951 4.720 4.888 2.582 2.306 711 322 389 213 115 98 Febrúar February 8.121 4.185 3.936 4.880 2.540 2.340 486 226 260 156 77 79 Mars March 7.989 4.090 3.899 4.792 2.475 2.317 455 224 231 199 98 101 Apríl April 7.374 3.599 3.775 4.386 2.135 2.251 405 204 201 160 69 91 Maí May 6.435 2.835 3.600 3.806 1.665 2.141 382 174 208 140 45 95 Júní June 5.186 1.957 3.229 3.374 1.271 2.103 260 108 152 91 31 60 Júlí Julv 4.889 1.839 3.050 3.247 1.226 2.021 207 89 118 116 41 75 Agúst August 4.715 1.797 2.918 3.101 1.190 1.911 211 85 126 63 24 39 September September 4.607 1.872 2.735 3.099 1.311 1.788 210 88 122 36 17 19 Október October 5.431 2.420 3.011 3.407 1.567 1.840 256 122 134 76 33 43 Nóvember November 6.301 3.005 3.296 3.640 1.789 1.851 285 147 138 122 50 72 Desember December 8.780 4.220 4.560 4.024 2.051 1.973 368 199 169 259 119 140 Heimild: Vinnumálaskrifstofa félagsmálaráðuneytisins. Source: The Ministry of Social Affairs - Office of Labour Skráð atvinnuleysi 1992-1994 131 Norðurland vestra Norðurlandeystra Austurland Suðurland Reykjanes Alls Total Karlar Males Konur Females Alls Total Karlar Males Konur Females Alls Total Karlar Males Konur Females Alls Total Karlar Males Konur Females Alls Total Karlar Males Konur Females 208 119 89 496 264 232 282 139 143 362 179 183 459 160 299 259 173 86 648 378 270 400 180 220 566 269 297 503 159 344 274 181 93 589 340 249 315 133 182 382 188 194 451 157 294 252 154 98 521 298 223 234 128 106 306 144 162 305 116 189 230 135 95 436 230 206 254 143 111 291 141 150 393 152 241 174 101 73 388 188 200 258 128 130 299 144 155 443 170 273 175 91 84 325 157 168 150 91 59 276 127 149 462 166 296 149 65 84 315 140 175 171 82 89 276 143 133 383 131 252 123 62 61 351 150 201 186 82 104 313 161 152 431 134 297 121 50 71 295 128 167 152 84 68 264 117 147 442 133 309 166 94 72 383 197 186 230 119 111 321 143 178 416 124 292 206 121 85 564 330 234 311 169 142 412 198 214 484 165 319 372 202 170 1.136 629 507 724 334 390 641 373 268 796 310 486 249 125 124 735 355 380 345 191 155 454 209 244 421 171 250 359 198 161 844 502 342 536 313 223 619 342 277 685 299 386 298 168 130 804 447 357 443 259 184 535 253 282 586 268 318 228 137 91 707 366 341 341 230 111 453 210 243 500 211 289 225 131 94 677 331 346 313 205 108 431 202 229 537 256 281 304 157 147 651 303 348 323 204 119 379 185 194 453 208 245 171 80 91 593 266 327 150 97 53 298 113 185 243 67 176 103 45 58 490 224 266 153 81 72 282 94 188 183 44 139 129 53 76 522 226 296 216 103 113 283 104 179 157 46 111 108 49 59 501 188 313 219 109 110 325 123 202 239 75 164 166 76 90 616 267 349 208 119 89 397 158 239 317 100 217 261 134 127 768 395 373 267 146 121 598 302 296 476 212 264 637 275 362 1.643 746 897 976 424 552 845 426 419 680 269 411 279 126 152 796 395 402 324 162 162 477 206 271 374 134 240 478 238 240 1.256 678 578 715 368 347 788 389 399 622 259 363 336 167 169 929 528 401 419 238 181 562 257 305 353 152 201 358 186 172 933 496 437 312 172 140 555 264 291 385 175 210 317 148 169 871 445 426 331 193 138 444 212 232 460 193 267 336 136 200 807 377 430 256 147 109 398 170 228 310 121 189 257 80 177 608 253 355 128 63 65 308 108 200 160 43 117 153 58 95 568 235 333 152 63 89 294 94 200 152 33 119 168 65 103 520 205 315 134 70 64 345 1 19 226 173 39 134 106 43 63 426 160 266 156 66 90 315 1 18 197 259 69 190 157 75 82 620 308 312 205 83 122 386 150 236 324 82 242 211 116 95 744 401 343 240 120 120 524 218 306 535 164 371 465 205 260 1.272 648 624 837 357 480 801 369 432 754 272 482
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