Vinnumarkaður - 15.12.2002, Síða 15
1. Mannfjöldi og vinnuafl
1. Population and labour force
í þessum kafla eru birtar töflur um mannfjölda (16-74 ára),
atvinnuþátttöku og vinnuafl. Getið verður nokkurra athyglis-
verðra upplýsinga sem fram koma í töflum. Þá verður gerð
grein fyrir helstu hugtökum og aðferðum sem varða töflur
í kaflanum.
Frá því að Hagstofan hóf vinnumarkaðsrannsóknir sínar
árið 1991 hefur atvinnuþátttaka haldist nokkuð stöðug, á
bilinu 81-83,6%. Þótt einhverjar sveiflur mælist milli ára
eru þær ekki nægilega miklar til að teljast marktækar. Þó
virðist mega greina vaxandi atvinnuþátttöku kvenna frá
1991 en jafnframt minnkandi atvinnuþátttöku fólks á
aldrinum 65-74 ára. Árið 2002 voru 162.000 manns taldir
vera í vinnuaflinu samanborið við 162.700 manns árið áður.
Mynd 1.1 Atvinnuþátttaka eftir aldri 1991-2002
Figure 1.1 Activity rates by age groups 1991-2002
% Karlar Males
This chapter presents tables on population (16-74 years of
age), activity rate and the labour force. Some highlights of
the data given in the tables will be mentioned, while certain
principal concepts and methods relating to the tables in the
chapter will also be outlined.
Ever since Statistics Iceland began its labour force surveys
in 1991, the activity rate has remained fairly constant, or in
the range of 81-83.6%. Although some fluctuations are
measured from one year to the next, they are not large
enough to be statistically significant. Nonetheless, it seems
possible to discern a growing participation by women in the
labour market since 1991 and at the same time lower
participation by people aged 65-74 years. In 2002 the
labour force was estimated at 162,000 persons, compared
with 162,700 the previous year.
Konur Females
Atvinnuþátttaka ræðst ekki síst af menntunarstigi.
Atvinnuþátttaka þeirra sem minnsta menntun hafa hlotið er
mun minni en þeirra sem lokið hafafrekara námi. Menntunar-
stig hefur meiri áhrif á atvinnuþátttöku en aldur og kynferði.
Árið 2002 voru 15,2% mannfjöldans með háskólamenntun
en 17,5% vinnuaflsins. Það ár hafði 27,9% mannfjöldans
aðeins lokið grunnmenntun en 24,6% vinnuaflsins.
Level of education is not the least of factors affecting the
activity rate. The activity rate of people with the lowest
level of education is much lower than that of those who have
completed further education. Age and sex have less impact
on activity rate than level of education. In 2002, people with
a uni versity education accounted for 15.2% of the population
but 17.5% of the labour force. In that year, people who had
solely compulsory education accounted for 27.9% of the
population but 24.6% of the labour force.