Vinnumarkaður - 15.12.2002, Page 170
Tafla 7.1.2 Launþegar eftir stéttarfélögum 1996-2002 (%)
Table 7.1.2 Employees by labour organizations 1996-2002 (%)
Hlutfallsleg skipting 1996-2000 1999 2000 2001 2002 Percentage distribution
Karlar og konur 100,0 100,0 100,0 100,0 100,0 Males and females total
I stéttarfélögum alls 84,6 83,8 83,9 85,1 85,4 Total in labour organizations
Alþýðusamband Islands 49,8 48,4 50,6 50,3 48,0 Icelandic Federation of Labour
Bandalag háskólamanna 5,6 6,0 4,6 5,4 6,2 Alliance of Graduate Civil Servants Federation of State and
Bandalag starfsmanna ríkis og bæja 13,8 13,4 11,4 11,0 12,5 Municipal Employees Merchant Navy and
Farmanna- og fiskimannasamb. ísl. 0,9 0,9 0,8 0,7 0,6* Fishing Vessel Officers’ Guild
Iðnnemasamband íslands 0,2* 0,2* 0,3* 0,2* 0,1* Apprentices’ Association oflceland
Kennarasamband íslands 3,3 2,9 4,3 5,9 6,2 Teachers ’ Association of Iceland
Múrarasamband fslands 0,2* 0,2* 0,2* 0,1* 0,2* Masons ’ Association of Iceland
Samband íslenskra bankamanna 2,5 2,6 2,8 2,9 2,6 Union oflcelandic Bank Employees
Verkstjórasamband fslands 1,3 1,2 1,5 1,1 1,1 Union of Foremen and Supervisors
Stéttarfélög utan sambanda 5,2 5,7 4,7 4,9 4,1 Independent unions
Stéttarfélag óþekkt 1,7 2,3 2,9 2,6 3,8 Unknown union
Utan félaga alls 15,4 16,2 16,1 14,9 14,6 Total not in labour organizations
Ekki í stéttarfélögum 13,0 13,3 13,7 13,4 12,7 Not affiliated to anv union
Otilgreint 2,4 2,9 2,3 1,5 1,9 Unspecified
Karlar 100,0 100,0 100,0 100,0 100,0 Males total
í stéttarfélögum alls 80,7 80,6 78,8 80,2 81,1 Total itt labour organizations
Alþýðusamband fslands 49,6 48,1 50,1 52,0 50,4 Icelandic Federation of Labour
Bandalag háskólamanna 3,6 4,0 3,1 2,9 2,5 Alliance of Graduate Civil Servants Federation ofState and
Bandalag starfsmanna ríkis og bæja 8,6 9,0 6,2 6,0 7,7 Municipal Employees Merchant Navy and
Farmanna- og fiskimannasamb. Isl. 1,9 1,9 1,7 1.4 1,2* Fishing Vessel Officers’ Guild
Iðnnemasamband fslands 0,4* 0,4* 0,3* 0,3* 0,2* Apprentices ’ Association of Iceland
Kennarasamband Islands 1,8 1,1* 2,0 2,5 3,1 Teachers ’ Association of Iceland
Múrarasamband fslands 0,4* 0,4* 0,4* 0,3* 0,3* Masons' Association of Iceland
Samband íslenskra bankamanna 1,5 1,5 1,6 1,5 1,7 Union of Icelandic Bank Employees
Verkstjórasamband íslands 2,5 2,3 2,8 2,2 2,1 Union of Foremen and Supervisors
Stéttarfélög utan sambanda 8,5 9,0 7,2 8,1 7,4 Independent unions
Stéttarfélag óþekkt 2,0 3,0 3,5 3,0 4,4 Unknown union
Utan félaga alls 19,3 19,4 21,2 19,8 18,9 Total not in labour organizations
Ekki í stéttarfélögum 16,9 16,7 18,4 18,5 17,1 Not affiliated to any union
Otilgreint 2,4 2,7 2,8 1,3* 1,8 Unspecified
Konur 100,0 100,0 100,0 100,0 100,0 Females total
f stéttarfélögum alls 88,4 86,9 88,9 89,9 89,5 Total in labour organizations
Alþýðusamband íslands 50,0 48,7 51,0 48,6 45,7 Icelandic Federation of Labour
Bandalag háskólamanna 7,6 8,0 5,9 7,9 9,8 Alliance of Graduate Civil Serrants Federation of State and
Bandalag starfsmanna ríkis og bæja 18,8 17,7 16,3 15,9 17,0 Municipal Employees Merchant Navy and
Farmanna- og fiskimannasamb. fsl. - - - - - Fishing Vessel Ofpcers’ Guild
Iðnnemasamband íslands 0.1* 0,1* 0,3* 0,2* 0,1* Apprentices' Association of Iceland
Kennarasamband íslands 4,9 4,7 6,5 9,2 9,2 Teachers' Association of Iceland
Múrarasamband Islands - - - - - Masons ’ Association of Iceland
Samband íslenskra bankamanna 3,5 3,5 4,0 4,2 3,5 Union of Icelandic Bank Employees
Verkstjórasamband íslands 0,2* 0,1* 0,3* 0,1* 0,2* Union of Foremen and Supervisors
Stéttarfélög utan sambanda 2,0 2,5 2,3 1,6 0,9* Independent unions
Stéttarfélag óþekkt 1,3* 1,7 2,3 2,1 3,2 Unknown union
Utan félaga alls 11,6 13,1 11,1 10,1 10,5 Total not in labour organizations
Ekki í stéttarfélögum 9,1 10,0 9,2 8,5 8,5 Not affiliated to any union
Otilgreint 2,4 3,0 1.9 1,6 2,1 Unspecified