Vinnumarkaður - 15.12.2002, Qupperneq 184
Heimili og vinnumarkaður
Tafla 8.3 Vinnuafl eftir heimilisgerð 1996-2002
Table 8.3 Labour force by household type 1996-2002
Áætlaður fjöldi 1996-2000 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 Estimated number
Alls 152.300 151.500 156.000 153.900 162.200 161.200 Total
Einstaklingsheimili 15.000 16.000 15.600 13.300 16.500 17.500 One-person households
Heimili einstæðra foreldra 9.700 9.200 10.200 10.400 10.300 10.900 One-parent households
Hjón/sambúðarfólk án barna 28.300 28.400 30.200 29.100 31.400 30.500 Couples without children
Hjón/sambúðarfólk með börn 79.800 79.500 82.000 78.700 79.200 79.100 Couples with children
Önnur heimili 19.500 18.500 18.100 22.300 24.800 23.200 Other households
Tafla 8.4 Atvinnulausir eftir heimilisgerð 1996-2002
Table 8.4 Unemployed persons by household type 1996-2002
Áætlaður fjöldi 1996-2000 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 Estimated number
Alls 4.400 4.200 3.100 3.500 3.700 5.200 Total
Einstaklingsheimili 600* 500* 700* 400* 500* 1.100 One-person households
Heimili einstæðra foreldra 600* 600* 500* 400* 300* 900* One-parent households
Hjón/sambúðarfólk án bama 500* 400* 300* 600* 900* 700* Couples without children
Hjón/sambúðarfólk með böm 1.900 2.000 1.200 1.200 1.200 1.600 Couples with children
Önnur heimili 700* 700* 300* 900* 800* 900* Other households
Tafla 8.5 Atvinnuþátttaka eftir heimilisgerð 1996-2002
Table 8.5 Activity rates by household type 1996-2002
Hlutfallstölur 1996- -2000 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 Percentage
Alls 82,5 82,5 83,3 83,9 83,7 82,9 Total
Einstaklingsheimili 73,3 74,0 74,1 69,4 73,1 75,2 One-person households
Heimili einstæðra foreldra 83,3 80,8 85,9 84,3 84,4 81,4 One-parent households
Hjón/sambúðarfólk án barna 76,7 77,6 77,3 76,9 76,8 76,8 Couples without children
Hjón/sambúðarfólk með börn 87,0 87,1 87,3 89,4 88,5 88,0 Couples with children
Önnur heimili 81,9 80,4 84,4 85,8 86,3 82,2 Other households
Tafla 8.6 Atvinnuleysi eftir heimilisgerð 1996-2002
Table 8.6 Unemployment rates by household type 1996-2002
Hlutfallstölur 1996-2000 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 Percentage
Alls 2,9 2,8 2,0 2,2 2,3 3,2 Total
Einstaklingsheimili 4,2* 2,9* 4,4* 3,0* 3,0* 6,3 One-person households
Heimili einstæðra foreldra 6,2* 6,8* 5,1* 3,9* 2,6* 8,6* One-parent households
Hjón/sambúðarfólk án barna 1,9* 1,4* 1,0* 1,9* 2,9* 2,2* Couples without children
Hjón/sambúðarfólk með böm 2,4 2,5 1,5 1,6 1,5 2,1 Couples with children
Önnur heimili 3,8* 3,9* 1,9* 3,8* 3,3* 3,7* Other households