Vinnumarkaður - 15.12.2002, Side 211

Vinnumarkaður - 15.12.2002, Side 211
Greinargerð um aðferðir og hugtök 209 Námsmenn. Svarandi telst námsmaður ef hann er í skóla innan hins almenna skólakerfis, á námssamningi eða í starfsþjálfun í mánuðinum áður en könnunin var gerð eða er í vinnu með námi. Starfsaldur. Með starfsaldri er átt við tímann frá því að fólk hefur störf í tilgreindu fyrirtæki fram til viðmiðunar- mánaðar. Ef svarendur geta ekki gefið upp hvenær þeir hófu störf er þeim reiknað gildi. Sé mánuður óþekktur er by rj unar- mánuði úthlutað með hendingaraðferð skv. dreifingu gildra svara eftir byrjunarmánuðum 1991-1994. Sé ár óþekkt er byrjunarár reiknað með aðhvarfsgreiningu þar sem tekið er tillit til aldurs, kyns og atvinnugreinar. Enginn er þó talinn hafa byrjað starf fyrir 10 ára aldur. Starfsstétt. Starf svarenda eða síðasta starf þeirra er flokkað í samræmi við Islenska starfaflokkun, ISTARF 95 sem byggð er á alþjóðastarfaflokkuninni, ISCO 88. Við flokkun- ina eru notuð fjögur þrep flokkunarkerfisins en niður- stöður birtar skv. fyrsta þrepi. Starfshlutfall. Svarandi telst vera í fullu starfi ef hann vinnur að jafnaði 35 klst. eða meira á viku. Hann telst vera í hlutastarfi ef hann vinnur 1-34 klst. að jafnaði á viku. Stéttarfélag. Með stéttarfélagi er átt við hagsmunafélag launþega sem á sjálfstæða aðild að kjarasamningi í samræmi við lög um stéttarfélög og vinnudeilur (nr. 80/1938) og lög um kjarasamninga opinberra starfsmanna (nr. 94/1986). Svarendur sjálfir eru látnir meta hvort þeir séu félagsmenn í stéttarfélagi eða ekki og þá hvaða félagi. Ef þeir eru í fleiri en einu stéttarfélagi er aðeins skráð það félag sem tengist aðalstarfi þeirra. Vinnutími. Við útreikning á vinnutíma í viðmiðunarviku er aðeins reiknað með þeirn svarendum sem höfðu unnið 1 klst. eða fleiri í aðalstarfi eða aukastarfi. Nokkuð er um brottfall í spurningum um vinnutíma. Þar sem brottfall í classification at a lower ISCED level in 11.3% of instances, but classification at a higher level in 1.0% of instances. The educational level of rnales was classified lower than previously in 17.9% of instances, compared with only 4.9% of female instances. Finally, it should be noted that figures for division by educational attainment from 1996 onwards cannot be compared with figures from 1991 to 1995. The reason lies mainly in much more detailed questions starting in 1996. Since then, for instance, a distinction has been drawn among tradesman between journeymen and masters of trade, the latter being classified at a level from a special school, or ISCED level 5. Since men make up the vast majority of those in the skilled trades, this change has a greater impact on their classification according to education than on that of women. Students. A respondent is classified as a student if he or she was attending a school belonging to the general school system, was in an apprenticeship or in-service training in the month before the survey occurred, or was working along with being a student. Length of service. Length of service refers to the time from starting in a job at the respective firm until the reference month. If respondents were unable to tell when they started in the job, values are imputed for them. If the starting month is missing, that month is assigned by a random approach, according to the distribution of valid answers on starting months in 1991-1994. If the year is unknown, the starting year is computed by regression analysis in respect of age, sex and economic activity. On the other hand, no one is assumed to have begun working before the age of 10. Occupation. The respondent’ s occupation or last occupation is classified according to the international job classification ISCO-88, as adapted to Icelandic conditions. Four levels of the classification system are used for classifying, but results are published according to the first level. Percentage of full-time position. A person is accounted as employed full-time if he or she usually works 35 or more hours per week, but as employed part-time if he or she usually works 1-34 hours per week. Labour union. The term labour union is taken to mean an organisation attending to the interests of employees and entering as an independent body into labour contracts in accordance with the Labour Union and Industrial Disputes Act, No. 80/1938, and Act No. 94/1986 on the Pay Terms Agreements of Public Employees. Respondents are allowed to evaluate themselves whether they are labour union members or not, as well as in what union. If they are in more than one labour union, only the union which is connected with their main job is recorded. Working hours. Calculating the hours of work in the reference week is only carried out for those respondents who worked one hour or more in their main job or an extra job. There is some nonresponse to the questions on working
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