Ferðavenjur Íslendinga - 01.02.1998, Page 26

Ferðavenjur Íslendinga - 01.02.1998, Page 26
24 Ferðavenjur íslendinga 1996 5. Survey on Icelandic tourism in 1996 The publication Icelandic Tourism Patterns 1996 contains the results of a survey conducted by Statistics Iceland on the tourism pattems of Icelanders in 1996. The objective of the survey was to obtain reliable data on Icelandic tourists, travelling for both business and pleasure, provided they spent at least one night away from their usual environment. Twelve hundred individuals were contacted by telephone and asked about their travels in the preceding months. The survey relates to the ongoing cooperation between the national statistical institutes of EEA-countries where similar surveys have recently been conducted. Eurostat, the EU statistical office, has published a document containing methodological definitions to be used when collecting statistical information on tourism based on a Council Directive on the subject. The survey was designed on the basis of these documents so that the results can easily be compared with the results of equiva- lent surveys in other EEA-countries. 6. Principal results The following pages include the results of the survey in summaries, figures and tables. The results have been inflated to make them applicable to all Icelanders and foreign nation- als under the age of 75 years, resident in Iceland at the time of the survey. Figures on the number of tourists have been broken down into four-month periods and socio-economic groups such as sex, age, education etc. Figures on the number of trips are classified according to age of the tourists and various trip characteristics, among them destination, type of accommo- dation and means of transport. To make comparisons easier, percentages are also included in most cases. The first part deals with tourists, followed by a section on the frequency of trips, and the final section deals with overnight stays on domestic and outbound trips. Tourísts The first two summaries cover the number of Icelandic tourists by sex, age and destination. Table 1 in the corre- sponding table section contains a more detailed breakdown of tourists by socio-economic groups. This part does not deal with the trips as such but only the tourists themselves and to what extent they travel inside Iceland (domestic trips) or abroad (outbound trips) or combine both types of trips. Almost half of all Icelanders aged 16-74 made some kind of trip in the first and third four-month periods of the year. In summer the number of tourists, of course, was much higher, or 81 % of the men and 86% of the women. The survey reveals that there is not much difference in the tourism pattems of Icelanders according to age. Still, tourists aged 16-24 and 65-74 made up a smaller proportion of the total in the first and third four-month periods of the year than did those aged 25-64 years. Summary 2 shows the percent distribution of tourists according to the proportion of their domestic trips, outbound trips or a combination of the two. Most tourists made some domestic trip in the year, whether in summer or winter; approximately 80% did so in the first and third four- month periods of the year and 90% in summer. Approxi- mately one third of all tourists travelled abroad in the first eight months of the year and about half of them made trips abroad in the last four months. The percentage of those who made combined domestic and outbound trips rose as the year progressed, from 10% to 35%. There is no significant differ- ence between the tourism pattems of men and women as far as domestic and outbound trips are concemed. However, there is some difference in domestic and outbound trips depending on the age of tourists. The proportion of those who made domestic trips fell with a higher age of tourists in the first and third four-month periods, from 86-90% in the age group 16-24 yearsto 73-78% forthoseaged 65-74 years. At the same time the proportion of those who made outbound trips rose with higher age, from 19% to 39% in the first four- month period, and from 45% to 61 % in the third period except for the oldest age group. Frequency of trips Frequency of trips refers to the number of trips per inhabitant in the age groups covered by the survey. The frequency is calculated in relation to the group travelling in each four- month period of the year and also in relation to all Icelanders aged 16-74 years, whether or not they made any trips in the period in question. Summary 3 gives the results on the number of tourists, number of trips made and frequency of trips. This Summary covers all kinds of trips whereas a breakdown of trip frequency by length of trip, four-month periods and age of tourists is found in table section of this publication, in Tables 2^1. A comparison of the four-month periods reveals that half of the population aged 16-74 years made no trips in the first and third periods and 16% of them did not do so in summer either. In each of the three periods the percentage of those who only made one trip was approximately the same. In summer, however, 37% of all tourists took three trips or more while much fewer did so for the rest of the year. Figure 2 shows trip frequency by four-month periods. The number of trips per tourist was smallest, or 2.0, in the first four-month period, while in the third period the average was slightly higher, 2.4 trips, and in summer this number went up to 3.3 trips per tourist. Domestic trips Summaries 4-9 cover domestic trips and tourist nights. Domestic trips numbered approximately one million in 1996, 257 thousand of which, or 26%, were trips made by children under the age of 16, either on their own or accompanied by their parents. Domestic tourist nights were close to 3.3 million. Obviously, the main tourist season is in summer. Sum- mary 4 shows that almost two thirds of all domestic trips are made in the summertime and just over two thirds of all overnight stays take place in that season. The percent distribution by age of trips on one hand and ovemight stays on the other provides information on the length of stay of each age group. A different proportion of trips as opposed to overnight stays for a certain age group indicates that the length of stay of that particular group differs from that other age groups. To take an example, 73% of children’s ovemight stays occurred in summer when they made 61 % of their trips,


Ferðavenjur Íslendinga

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