Ferðavenjur Íslendinga - 01.02.1998, Page 47

Ferðavenjur Íslendinga - 01.02.1998, Page 47
Ferðavenjur Islendinga 1996 45 Norðurland Hálendi eystra Austurland Suðurland Highland Hringferð Óþekkt Northeast East South area Round trip Unknown 100,0 100,0 100,0 100,0 100,0 100,0 September-December 9,6 10,2* 1,8* - 100,0 69,5 Hotels and guesthouses 3,6* - 1,7* 3,0* - - Camping sites - - - - - - Mobile homes 3,6* 8,7* 45,3 17,0* - - Private summerhouses Holiday houses owned by trade or 4,9* 6,0* 10,3 - - - company unions ~ 1,3* 2,4* - - - Other holiday houses - - - - - - Fishing lodges - 0,8* - - - - Youth hostels 5,5* - 1,8* - - 1,9* Sleeping-bag accommodation - - - 73,0 - - Highland lodges 6,8 17,6 2,1* 3,0* - - Private tourist accommodation 56,8 55,4 31,2 - - - With relatives and friends 9,3 - 3,5 4,0* - 28,6* Unknown


Ferðavenjur Íslendinga

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