Hinsegin dagar í Reykjavík - 01.08.2003, Side 30
In October 1998 a steadily growing group of gay and
bisexual students at the University of lceland arranged
a series of meetings to discuss their position and mat-
ters relating to gay rights within the university. Over 20
students showed up every time even though these
meetings hadn't been advertised at all, and a growing
need was felt to establish an organized gay rights
group within the academic community. FSS was official-
ly born on the 19th of January the following year, and
members counted well over 150 right from the start.
FSS celebrated its fourth birthday on January 19th
2003 by uncovering a brand new logo. It stands for
fun, the freedom we all have to be exactly who we are,
and a relaxed frame of mind. The logo is simple, clear,
catching, leaves a lasting impression on people's mind
and its shape pays tribute to the oldest gay symbol in
the world, the downward facing triangle.
The association's focus and function has changed
considerably since it was established four years ago. It
has become very powerful on the lcelandic scene, and
it is an active member of the the European association
of young gay, lesbian and bisexual people (AFFS). AFFS
is sponsored by the European Union and its members
meet once a year. FSS is about to take on a leading role
in the association and arrange for that annual meeting
to be held here in lceland in August 2004.
FSS organizes so-called GayDays every other Wed-
nesday in either Café Cozy or in the Stúdentakjallarinn.
The focus is on creating a relaxed, friendly atmosphere
where meeting new people is both easy and fun. It also
organizes other activities such as weekend trips out of
town or going to the theatre to add depth and variety
to its broad range of activities.
The association is active in promoting its cause and
function. It is currently cooperating with both the
University of lceland and the Student's Association in
creating a brochure that will introduce FSS to all new
students, and invite them to a special welcome gather-
ing at the start of each academic year. The association's
website can be found at www.gay.hi.is Be there or be
styður Hinsegin daga
Reykjavíkurborg er stærsti stuðningsaðili Hinsegin daga í
Reykjavík - Gay Pride. í febrúar samþykkti borgarráð að
styrkja Hinsegin daga um 1,6 milljónir króna og fól
Höfuðborgarstofu að ganga til samninga við Hinsegin
daga um þriggja ára samning. Frá því Höfuðborgarstofa
var stofnuð hefur hún sýnt Hinsegin dögum mikla rækt-
arsemi og stutt við bakið á þeim með ýmsum hætti.
Höfuðborgarstofa er til húsa í gamla Geysishúsinu í
Aðalstræti og þar er hægt að fá upplýsingar um flest allt
sem um er að vera ( Reykjavík.
Hinsegin dagar þakka Reykjavíkurborg stuðninginn og
samstarfið á undanförnum árum.
The City of Reykjavíh
sponsors Reykjavík Prido
The city of Reykjavik is the biggest single sponsor of
Reykjavik Pride. In February the City Counsil agreed to
support Gay Pride with 22.000 USD and then Reykjavík
Compiete, a city owned event and information compa-
ny, made a threeyears contract with the Reykjavik Pride.
The city is also by proclamation from the ex-mayor,
Ingibjörg Sólrún Gísladóttir, supporting the InterPride
2004 World Conference, hosted by Reykjavík Pride in
October next year.
Reykjavík Complete is located in Aðalstræti in the city
center, offering general information for tourists in
Reykjavík. Pay them a visiti