Studia Islandica - 01.06.1956, Síða 43

Studia Islandica - 01.06.1956, Síða 43
41 thing in the line of booty’ (ef ngkkut verði tU fengjar).1 Fritzner translates: ‘om jeg kan komme over noget (o: nogen af dem, som jeg vil overfalde)’. V and R. add: Því at nú hefir langt verit síðan (vér h)ittum menn ár heraðinu (passage 2 in section 7.2). This addition inadvertently gives away the secrecy of Skúta’s planning. Only he and his sendimaðr know of his scheme against Glúmr. As it stands it is a rather stupid remark, revealing his purpose to the others. I cannot agree with Fritzner’s second, explicative ren- dering, which is probably an attempt ad hoc to translate fengjar in the light of what follows. I take this to be a misleading interpretation, an attempt to render a shade of meaning of the noun in the light of a context which is taken at its face value. Among all these extra passages (cf. also section 7.2) in V and R. I have not met with a single one which could not be stigmatized as superfluous and even as a deterioration as to contents and style. As to M being a shortened version: would it not amount to aimost a miracle for a mediaeval author, or scribe, to have left out from his source exactly what was irrelevant and to have kept exactly what was es- sential? 8.3. Ch. 15 is in V by 50 per cent longer than it is in M. The additions in V on the whole are mere elabora- tions. Such adverbial phrases like með mikilli sœmd and 1) In this phrase M uses the optative veröi, V and R. the indi- cative verör. Lotspeich, p. 39, is of opinion that R. is a precise rendering of the original, while V. Gl. — in casu M — made an alteration. I think it rather dangerous to draw such a far-reaching conclusion. The rules goveming the use of the modi are not strict enough for that. Scribes will have obeyed them still less than the original authors perhaps did. L
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