Studia Islandica - 01.06.1956, Side 64

Studia Islandica - 01.06.1956, Side 64
62 sentence, without the prefix, as he is known from part I. But ch. 23, opening with two genealogies, says of Þor- björg: hon var fgður-systir Víga-Skútu, and of Þor- gerðr: hon var systir Víga-Glúms at Þverá ór Eyjafirði. Especially in the case of Skúta the prefix is quite superfluous. So, while ch. 23 of R. makes a strong impression of being the opening chapter of an originally independent tale or written document, inserted together with the following chapter, in this saga, the prefix Víga- in V. Gl. ch. 26 does not derive from R. 16. V. Gl. ch. 16 opens with a brief account of how the feud between Glúmr and Skúta started. Skúta sends his wife Þorlaug, Glúm’s daughter, back to her father at Þverá, because husband and wife do not get on well together. The author adds: Þat likaði Glúmi þungt. Reykdœla saga in ch. 25 relates two versions of this story; the one is the same as in V. Gl., with the addi- tion: ok þóttisk Skúta gera þat til svívirðingar Glúmi, thereby stressing the ill-feeling on Glúm’s part. The other version however, and this is the one pre- ferred by its author, tells us that Glúmr stealthily sent a man to Mývatn, inviting her to come home, bringing her valuables and some loose money with her. She leaves Mývatn while Skúta has gone North. Glúmr gives her in marriage to Eldjám, with whom he had a secret talk which lasted a whole day. After this marriage people became aware of what the secret talk had been about. They thought this to be a stirring event and ex- pressed as their opinion that Skúta would take revenge if he could. And indeed, he does not have to wait long for an


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