Fréttablaðið - 22.05.2021, Síða 38

Fréttablaðið - 22.05.2021, Síða 38
Við erum að ráða Nánari upplýsingar á: Aðstoðarverkefnastjóri frístundArkitekt Ba ðv ör ð ur Su m a rs tö rf 14 -1 7 á ra o.fl.. KennararÞroskaþjálfi Stuðningsfulltrúar Leikskólakennari Tómstundaleiðbeinandi Sérkennarar Skóla- og frístundaliðar Erum við að leita að þér? Vakin er athygli á stefnu Hafnarfjarðarbæjar að jafna hlutfall kynjanna í störfum hjá bænum og að vinnustaðir bæjarins endurspegli fjölbreytileika samfélagsins. Sterk tengsl í íslensku atvinnulífi in Data & Automation In search of our next leader Icelandair’s ambition is to excel in smooth and enjoyable customer journeys through the effective use of digital and data. We are now looking for our next director of Data & Automation. The last year has been very challenging for our business, but we’ve used the time to prepare for better times ahead. We now aim to make the most of the foundations that we have laid, in close co-operation with our business partners. We are looking for a data & automation enthusiast with a proven track record, strong leadership skills and the ability to guide the professional development of their team members. Responsibilities To lead a department that is responsible for: – Developing the necessary infrastructure and support for a data-driven culture, business intelligence and democratized data for the entire organization – Integrating systems and data sources and applying automation wherever feasible Your role will be to coach and develop a strong team of specialists. Requirements – Master’s degree or higher in Computer Science or a related discipline – An ability to lead and inspire a diverse team of highly skilled professionals – The ability to liaison with other leaders across the company – Strong data architectural skills; a good understanding of various design patterns and data models – Proven track-record of developing complex data solutions – Experience with data and system integration tools and patterns – Strong experience with a variety of data analysis and visualization tools – An understanding of, and preferably experience with utilizing Robotic Process Automation – RPA – Curiosity for learning the ins and outs of the airline industry The application deadline is May 30, 2021. Please apply through „ + For further information, please contact: Tómas Ingason, CIO/CBDO, Sveina Berglind Jónsdóttir, Director People & Culture, 8 ATVINNUBLAÐIÐ 22. maí 2021 LAUGARDAGUR
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