Rit Landbúnaðardeildar : A-flokkur - 01.05.1955, Blaðsíða 32

Rit Landbúnaðardeildar : A-flokkur - 01.05.1955, Blaðsíða 32
30 2. In three of the trials where the ewes receiving 100 g of herring meal per ewe per day did not gain more in liveweight during the whole experimental period than those receiving 50 g, the ewes from the former group rearing twins, however, produced significantly heavier twins (live and/or dead weight) than the ewes of the latter group rearing twins. Singles from both groups were of similar weight. This indicates the importance of plentiful protein in the ration for ewes carrying twins. 3. In two of the trials the ewes rearing twins of the group receiving the greater ration of herring meal did more than repay the cost of the additional daily ration of herring meal in better lambs as compared with the ewes rearing twins of the group receiving the smaller ration. In one trial they just repaid the extra cost of the larger ration while in two of the trials the difference in return was less than the difference in cost of the ration. 4. According to these results it is recommended not to use more than 50 g of herring meal per ewe per day during early pregnancy except when the hay ration fed is below 25 per cent of the maintenance requirements. During late pregnancy it is also recommended not to use more than 50 g of herring meal per ewe per day unless the quantity of hay fed is less than 50 per cent of thc total requirements for main- tenance of the ewe and growth of the foetus. A daily ration of up to 100 g of herring meal is only recommended during late pregnancy when a high twinning percentage is expected and/or when very little hay is fed. Heimildarrit. Þórir Guðmundsson (1928). Búnaðarrit, 42, 96. Þórir Guðmundsson (1930). Skýrsla Búnaðarfélags íslands, nr. 2. Pétur Gunnarsson (1953). Rit Landbúnaðardeildar, A-flokkur, nr. 7. Halldór Vilhjálmsson (1929). Fóðurfræði. Reykjavík. Pétur Gunnarsson (1955). Vasahandbók bænda, 186.


Rit Landbúnaðardeildar : A-flokkur

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