Heilbrigðisskýrslur - 02.12.1974, Side 49

Heilbrigðisskýrslur - 02.12.1974, Side 49
49 11« 2 lVrsomility <lisor<l<‘rs .................................. 220 -324, 326 3 Mnntul drfinirnry.......................................... 325 06 DIschncs of tli<» ihtvoiih Hystom hii<1 nonso oruans 0 Vus<Miliir losioriH nffocting <*<»ntrnl norvoiiH systom...... 330 334 1 OLlu r <Uh<»uh<» of <<»ntrul n<»rvous syHtom und ncrvos ... . 340—352, 355 362. 364 -369, 751—753 2 Kpilopsy .................................................. 353 3 Scinti<Mi.................................................. 363 4 Jnflnmmntory discasos of oyo............................... 370—379 5 Blimlnoss ................................................. 3S9 6 Othor <lis<»nsos un<l <-on<litions of eye.................. 380—388 7 Iiifliunmutory disonsoH of car............................. 390—394 8 Othcr <lÍH<»«s<*s of onr................................... 395 —396 9 I)<'iifn<*ss, <l<»nf-inutonosH ............................ 397—398 07 IMhohkos <»f tlio rimilatory systom 0 Khcunmtir f<'v<»r umi chronio rhoumatic hcart diseasc . . 400- 416 1 Artoriselorotie aml <loRoncrative lioart discase, congestivc licurt failurc .............................................. 420 -422,434 2 Ot.lior nml uiiHpccified <liseascs of Jieart............... 430 - 433, 754 3 jlyporlcnHÍon.............................................. 440 —447 4 Díhoiihch <>f urtorics..................................... 450 —456 5 Díhcusck of voins .... . . ............................. 460—466 6 Othcr <liscascs of ciroulatory systcm...................... 467—468 08 DÍHcasoH oV tlio rospinitory system 0 Acmtc upp<»r rcsjíiratory infcctions......................... 470, 472- -483. 500—501 1 Pmuiinonia.................................................. 490—493 2 Chronic uppcr rcspiratory infections....................... 510—517, 471 3 Discusos of ]»leiiru....................................... 518 — 520 4 Chronie hronohitis aml other clironic discases of rcs- I»iratory syHtcin ........................................... 502, 521 527 09 DÍHeuses of tln* ilitfestlve systein 0 I)íh<»uh<íh of buccal ouvit.y and osophagus.................. 530 — 539 1 Pcptie ul<»<*r.............................................. 540—542 2 Othcr <lisousOH of Htomacli and duodenum................... 543 - 545 3 Díhoiihos of apjicndix .................................... 550—553 4 llcrniu of uhdominul <'iivity.............................. 560—561 5 Othcr <1íh<mih<»h of int<*stincH und ]x;ritommm ........... 570, 572 578 6 Díhcukoh of gallhlmhh'r.................................... 584— 586 7 Dísohkos of livcr and pancreas............................. 580—583, 587 8 UiiHpecificd <lisor<h*rs of digestive system .............. — 10 Dlsenses «f the penlto-urinary system 0 NcphritÍH nn<l infcctionR of kidney ......................... 590—594, 600 1 Calculi of urinary Hystcm................................... 602, 604 2 Díwuhch of bln<hh*r........................................ 605 - -606



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