Lögberg - 28.07.1955, Blaðsíða 18

Lögberg - 28.07.1955, Blaðsíða 18
18 LÖGBERG, FIMMTUDAGINN 28. JÚLÍ 1955 The Agricultural Scene Conlinued from Page 17 to experiment, should be laid separately on the stubble be- fore seeding. * * * Last year with its more than average precipitation, the application of the higher rate of nitrogen paid off. The same thing could apply this year with its more than ade- quate moisture reserves. In experiments conducted by Dr. D. A. Rennie of the uni- versity soil science depart- ment, the application of nitro- gen and phosphate fertilizers at the rate of 125 pounds and 40 pounds per acre respective- ly, the yield in one wheat field was increased from eight to 25 bushels per acre and an- other from 20 to 40 bushels per acre. Increases of this nature would justify the in- vestment of $7 or $8 per acre for the two types of fertilizer, but they happened under favorable circumstances and cannot be guaranteed. * * * Some farmers will be able to carry out the experiments with higher ratios of nitro- gen fertilizer this year as suggested by the university soils department, and at rela- tively little cost to them- selves. The National Grain Company is instigating this test with 100 selected farmers in the three prairie pro- vinces, the majority in Saskat- chewan. * * * In Saskatchewan, farmers in the Wynyard, Elfros, Kandahar, Dafoe, Quill Lake, Cudworth and Meacham areas, will take part by ope- rating two 13-acre test plots of cereal grains. The nitrogen fertilizer has to be laid first on one plot and the company has agreed to do this with spreaders, that is, one ton, or 150 pounds per acre of 21- 0-0 on 13 acres. The farmer will then apply 11-48-0, or any other fertilizer he has been using, over the two 13- acre plots in the usual way when seeding. As the two plots will be adjoining, any increases in yield on the plot with the two fertilizers, over the check plot, can be attri- buted to the nitrogen. The National Grain Com- pany is conducting an ex- periment on many different soil types and varying con- ditions in the three prairie provinces and is not selling this fertilizer. The fertilizer would actually cost the far- mer $70 to $75 if he had to purchase it. It is costing the company $12,000, about $120 per farm, as a couple of new spreaders will be taken into each key point like Wynyard to do the work for the selected farmers in the district. Only if the experiment is worth while and the conditions al- low the farmer to get a crop, is he asked to refund $60 to the company. ♦ * * The soil scientists are pleased that such experiments are carried on, for they seek answers to questions which can be determined only by tests. There are some ad- vantages to continuous cropp- ing if the moisture is there and if there is no weed pro- blem. Continually returning the stubble to the soil will enrich it, and with a contin- uous crop the soil is not opened up to wind and water erosion as in the summer- fallow operation. But, would continuous cropping present new problems in insect and disease control or bring forth new plant diseases? These questions could only be an- swered by experimentation. Compliments of . . . CHUDDS GA RAG E YOUR DODGE-DeSOTO John Deer Farm Implements DEALER i AT CHARLES RIESS & co.. FUMIGATORS 877 Wall Sí., Winnipeg SUnsel 3-3529 íslendingadagurinn . . . SIXTY-SIX years ago, while early groups of Icelandic families were pioneering this land with hope and enthusiasm in their hearts a steel company called Dominion Bridge was just six years old. We are proud to have pioneered through the years with the Icelandic people of Canada. DOMINION BRIDGE congratulates you on your splendid cultural achievements . . . your rededication to happiness and generosity on this National Celebration of Icelandic Day." DOMINION BRIDGE COMPANY L I M I T E D Plants & Assoc. I amherst, n.s. - quebec - montreal - ottawa - toronto Companies at || sault ste. marie - winnipeg - calgary - edmonton - vancouver Alt undir einu þaki Bankaútibú er annað og meira en öruggur staður fyrir sparifé yðar. Þar er um að ræða alhliða bankaþjónustu, er vinnur að heill hvers einasta og eins mannsbarns í umhverfinu. Hjá yfir 4,000 bankaútibúum í Canada nýtur fólkið bankaþjónustu í óteljandi myndum; það leggur inn peninga, skiptir ávísunum; þar má semja um lán, leigja öryggishólf, færa yfir peninga og selja erlenda mynt. Aðeins í útibúum hinna lögiltu banka, stendur yður slík þjónusta til boða undir einu og sama þaki. Heimsókn í bankann er vissasti vegurinn til að bankaþörfum yðar sé fullnægt á einfaldan, tryggan og auðveldan hátt. FINNIÐ BANKANN í SAMBANDI VIÐ ÞETTA Aðeins löggiltur banki hefir á takteinum þá þjónustu, sem hér greinir: Sparireikning Daglegan reikning Sameiginlegan reikning Persónulán Viðskiptalán Búnaöarendurbótalán N.H.A. veðskuldalán Heimilisendurbótalán Upplýsingar um verzlun og erlenda markaði Kaup og sala erlends gjaldeyris Verzlunarlegar innheimtur Yfirfœrsla peninga Bankaávísanir og víxlar Ferðamanna ávísanir Lántrausts skilríki öryggishólf Sala og kaup verðbréfa Geymsla verðbréfa og annara verðmæta Bankaviðskipti með pósti HINIR LÖGGILTU BANKAR ÞJÓNA UMHVERFI YÐAR GIMLI, MAN. Phone 3 Minnumst Sameiginlegra erfða á íslendinga- deginum á Gimli, 1. ágúst 1955. ★ THE S.O.S. STORE "Shoe Fitting Is Our Specialty” IKE TENEHOUSE, Mgr. Phone 3101 SELKIRK /



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