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Haul-out behaviour of
common seal
(Phoca vitulina L.)
on selected hauling-out sites
at the coast of Iceland
Erlingur Hauksson
Icelandic Fisheries Laboratories
Skúlagata 4
Haul-out behaviour of common seals
(Phoca vitulina) was observed on seven
sites at the coast (Figs, 6 and 7). The
number of seals seen on land was highly
influenced by the tides (Table 1 and Fig.
8). Highest numbers of animals on land
were seen during and just after the low
tide. These results are discussed in relation
to aerial censuses of common seal. Correc-
tion factors are estimated for aerial counts,
taking into consideration the proportion
hauling-out in relation to the time of low
tide (Table 4).