Fróðskaparrit - 01.01.2006, Page 62
of upholding their male identity... (Ekenstam,
2005: 31)
Masculinities are changing and reflecting
the social and cultural developments in
Faroese society. The cultural capital secur-
ing prosperity and life success changes char-
acter. The four categories presented and
analysed in this article could have been di-
vided into several other independent cate-
gories, they are of ourse not ‘natural’ or eter-
nal, but they illuminate the main social
processes that the Faroe Islands, a society
in transition, are piloted by. Once were men,
gone now and substituted by several varia-
tions of the same men, influenced by man-
ifold values and ideals from local society
and global media. The stereotypes of gen-
der differences, propagated through popu-
lar media, construct a masculinity that only
a few men recognize. This article enlightens
the masculinity debate from another angle.
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