Fróðskaparrit - 01.01.2006, Síða 78

Fróðskaparrit - 01.01.2006, Síða 78
76 CONSTRUCTING ÍDUNTITIES 1N CHILDREN’S CULTURE OF CONSUMPTION field of childhood studies (Aydt and Coraro, 2003; Davis and Machin, 2000; James, 1993; Kelle, 2001; Thome, 1993; Valentine, 2000). Some of the key fmdings from these writings are that children are acutely con- cemed with their identity within groups. In their peer cultures children work at con- structing social relationships where they de- fine themselves in relation to others. Fitting- in is essential, yet a degree of individuality is pursued (Ridge, 2002). It follows, that children in their cultures continuously must “...manage tensions between conformity and individuality” (Valentine, 2000: 258). Jenkins (1996) made the distinction be- tween primary identity and secondary iden- tity. Primary identity he argued, are those identities established early in life such as gender. These are more robust and less likely to change. Secondary identities (e.g. pro- fession), however, are generally established later and therefore, more negotiable, less fixed and more amenable to change. From these distinctions it is conceivable that for primary identities consumption may be used to display or communicate existing identi- ties. On the other hand, consumption may be instrumental in constmcting new/exist- ing secondary identities; e.g. that of being a footballer. Several authors within childhood studies have presented the primary identity of gen- der as one of the key identities for children (e.g. Aydt and Corsaro, 2003; Corsaro, 1997; James, 1993;Thome, 1993). In an extensive study of gender in children’s cultures Thorne (1993) argued that one major problem with much of the literature on children and gen- der is thc pre-fixed notion of girls and boys as being separate and different. The conse- quence, she argued, fails to take account of the within-gender variations as well as the impact of factors such as social class and ethnicity. It follows that girls and boys are not a group of people that fall into one of two groups but have complex identities con- structed through a range of factors - including consumption. Similarly emphasis is placed on the role of age in the construction of identity (Kelle, 2001; Wærdahl, 2005). It is believed that as they grow older children gain increased autonomy and more power to make deci- sions in matters affecting them. Therefore, age is an important identity for children due to its signalling value. Naturally, age is a constantly changing identity, however, in the short-term it is sufficiently stable to be an important identity vis a vis adults as well as other children. In an extensive discussion on children and their relationships James (1993: 104) argued that the body is a key site of identity construction for children. She stated that “.. .relatively little critical attention has been given to children’s own experience and un- derstanding of the body as a signifier of identity”. From her research James (1993) suggested that there are five signifícant as- pects of the body which are important in children’s identity construction. These are lieight, shape, appearance, gender and body performance (e.g. how fast one can run). It follows that children construct identities through various physical and social dimen- sions of who they perceive themselves and others to be.
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