Fróðskaparrit - 01.01.2006, Page 133
Solitary ascidians (Tunicata, Ascidiacea
and Sorberacea) of the Faroes
Stakir sjóbjølgar (Tunicata, Ascidiacea og
Sorberacea^) við Føroyar
Amundur Nolsø
Kaldbak Marine Biological Laboratory, Mjólkargøta, FO-180 Kaldbak, Faroe Islands.
Allir teir støku sjóbjølgamir, sum vóru innsavnaðir undir
OlOFAR-vcrkætlanini eru rannsakaðirog navngreindir
td lægstu møguligu flokkingarskipan. Innan BIOFAR-
vcrkætlanin byrjaði í 1987, vóru 24 sløg av stakum sjó-
fjølgum staðfest innan fyri 200 fjórðinga sjómarkið.
Eftir BIOFAR er talið økt til 36. Stakir sjóbjølgar eru
staðfestir í 17 prosent av støðunum (225 av tilsamans
1325). Tólv eru staðfestir fyri fyrstu ferð: Ascidia
’nentula Miiller, 1776, Styela atlantica (Van Name,
1.912), Styela similis Monniot, 1970, Styela theeli
Arnbáck-Christie-Linde, 1921, Cnemidocarpa mollis-
Pina Árnbáck-Christie-Linde, 1922, Cnemidocarpa
'nortenseni Hartmeyer, 1912, Polycarpa porculus Mon-
n'°l C. and Monniot F., 1979, Molgula herdmani
Ejerkan, \905,Molgulamira (Árnbáck, 1931), Molgula
°eculta Kuppfer, 1875, Eugyra islandica Millar, 1974,
°8 Asajirus arcticus (Hartmeyer, 1923). Slektirnar
Cnemidocarpa og Asajirus eru staðfestar fyri fyrstu ferð
á økinum.
the solitary ascidian material collected during the
tOFAR programme has bcen workcd through and
'dentified to lowest possibly taxomomic level. Before
'he BIOFAR programme started in 1987, twenty four
V'litary ascidian spccics had bcen recorded within the
aroese Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ). The BIOFAR
Sa,iiplinghas increased thisnumberto thirty six. Solitary
ascidians are recorded at 17% of the stations (225 out
°f 1325).
Twelve species were recorded for the first time:
Ascidia mentula Miiller, 1776; Styela atlantica (Van
Name, 1912); Styela similis Monniot, 1970; Styela theeli
Árnbáck-Christie-Linde, 1921; Cnemidocarpa molli-
spina Árnbáck-Christie-Linde, 1922; Cnemidocarpa
mortenseni Hartmeyer, 1912; Polycarpa porculus
Monniot C. and Monniot F., 1979; Molgula herdmani
Bjerkan, 1905; Molgula mira (Árnbáck, 1931 );Molgula
occulta Kuppfer, 1875; Eugyra islandica Millar, 1974;
and Asajirus arcticus (Hartmeyer, 1923). Two genera,
Cnemidocarpa and Asajirus, are recorded for the first
time in the area.
Previous investigations on Faroese
The first species list with Faroese fauna was
made by Svabo 1781 and 1782 (Svabo,
1959). At that time, the ascidians were
placed within Mollusca. Although the mol-
luscs are fairly well represented in the list,
no ascidians were included. The earliest
source on ascidians from the Faroes is the
collections of the Zoological Museum of
Copenhagen: a specimen of Molgula com-
planata (Alderand Hancock, 1870), identi-
aparrit 54. bók 2006: 131-171