Fróðskaparrit - 01.01.2006, Side 148
Figure 17. BIOFAR records of Styela coríacea.
the Arctic and a11 thc northern boreal regions, and
common within thc Faroese EEZ.
Gencral depth range: From shallow water to at least 600
m (Millar, 1966).
Remarks: S. coriacea has two forms of extemal appear-
ance, a low dorso-ventrally compresscd form and a
tall, cylindrical form(Kjær, 1893; Árnbáck-Christie-
Linde, 1922). This variation might be an expression
of various environmental conditions, a point which
is supported by the occurrence of all intermediate
forms (Bjcrkan, 1905; 1908). Moreover, the specics
is known to be highly contractile and able to change
itsshapegreatIywhcnalive(VanName, 1912; 1945),
hence the degree of contraction varies in preserved
specimens; contraction occurs frequently regardless
how careful specimens are relaxed before preserva-
tion (Gretchcn Lambert pers. comm.).
Styela gelatinosa Traustedt, 1886
Good dcscription: Traustedt, 1886: 429; pl. 36, figs. 8-
10; pl. 38, fig. 27; Hartmeyer, 1923; pl. 1, figs. 9-11;
Millar, 1966; 67, fig. 43.
Figure 18. Styela gelatinosa (from Liitzen, 1967).
Previous records: "Fylla ” 1890: The slope of the Faroe-
Shetland Channel 924 m (61°23'N;4°49'W) (Hart-
meyer, 1923). “Michael Sars" 1902: Faroe-Iceland
Ridge 480 m (63‘,14'N;9°46 W); Faroe-Shctland
Channel 1130m(60°19'N;5°06'W)(Bjerkan, 1905)-
Sampled 1904 or earlier: Southern end of the Faroe-
Shetland Channcl 588 m (60°37'N;05°42'W)
(Michealsen, 1904 (in Hartmeycr, 1923)).