Fróðskaparrit - 01.01.2006, Qupperneq 152
Figure 22. Pelonaia corrugata (from Liitzen,
EEZ area: Kollaíjørður and Skálaijørður (Nolsø, unpubl.)
EEZ depth range: 13 and 37 m (Nolsø, unpubl.).
EEZ temperature: Estimated 9-10 °C (Nolsø, unpubl.).
EEZ water mass: AW.
NorthAtlantic/Nordic Seasdistribution: Svalbard; coasts
of Norway; western coasts of Sweden; Nortli Sea;
northern coasts of Great Britain; Orkncy; Shetland;
Faroes; Iceland; coasts ofGreenland; northem North
America (Millar, 1966).
Gencral distribution: Boreal western Pacific; Sea of
Okhotsk; Bering Sea; Arctic basin; boreal western
Atlantic; boreal eastern Atlantic.
General depth range: From shallow water down to 200
m (Millar, 1966).
Remarks: A certain Faroese rccord is only recently lo-
cated (Nolsø, unpubl.). Traustedt (1880) referred the
Faroes as a habitat of thc species, but failcd to spec-
ify the locality. His article is based on matcrial from
the Zoological Museum of Copcnhagen. However,
no individual of P. corrugata recorded from the
Faroes exists in the museums collection. Traustcdt
did, on the other hand, identify a number of individ-
uals that had been recorded from Iceland! Hence it
seems that the Faroes were incorrectly assigned as
habitat for P. corrugata.
Genus: Cnemidocarpa Huntsman,
Figure 23. Cnemidocarpa mollispina (from Ltitzen,
Cnemidocarpa mollispina Árnbáck, 1922
Good description: Árnback-Christie-Linde, 1922:28-29;
pl. 2, ftgs. 23-26.
Previous records: None.
BIOFAR stations (number of individuals in parentheses):
19(1); 27(47); 29(1); 73(3); 168(2); 188(3); 271(2).
BIOFAR area: Scattered records off shore on the plateau
east and north of the islands. Onc rccord from thc
northcrn slopc of Faroe Bank (Fig. 24).
BIOFAR depth range: 170-990 m.
BIOFAR temperature: Estimated 6.5 °C.
BIOFAR water mass: NW/AW/AI.
North Atlantic/Nordic Seas distribution: Kara Sea, Øre-
sund (Árnbáck-Christie-Linde, 1922) and Faroes
(present study).
General distribution: As above.
Gencral dcpthrange: 15-100 (Gulliksen, 1974)and 170-
990 m (present study).
Rcmarks: The location and water mass of Faroese rccords
indicate that C. mollispina has an arctic area of dis-
tribution, rather than a boreal (Fig. 24). If so, the deep
records from the Faroes reflect an example latitudi-
nal submergence.
Dr. Francoise Monniot has confírmed my deterrru-
nation of the specimcns.