Fróðskaparrit - 01.01.2006, Side 156
Figure 29. Dendrodoa grossularia (froin Liitzen,
BIOFAR area: Coastal records; off shore rccords on thc
eastem part of the plateau except for three records:
One on southem and one on eastem slopc of Faroe
Bank, and one record on the western slope of thc
Faroc-Iccland Ridge (Fig. 30).
BIOFAR depth range: 5-702 m.
BIOFAR temperature: Estimated range 1.0 to 8.5 °C.
BIOFAR watcr mass: Mainly AW.
North Atlantic/Nordic Seas distribution: Svalbard; Bear
lsland; coast of Norway; western coast of Sweden;
Dcnmark; English Channel; coasts of Great Britain;
Ireland; Shetland; Faroes; Iceland; Jan Mayen; coasts
of Greenland; northem North America (Millar, 1966).
General distribution: Western boreal Atlantic; Arctic;
castem boreal Atlantic; Bering Sea; Sea of Okhotsk.
Gcneral depth rangc: From the lower part of the shore
(Millar, 1966) to 702 m (present study).
Genus: Polycarpa Heller, 1877
Polycarpa Jibrosa (Stimpson, 1852)
Good description: Hartmeyer, 1923:263-272; VanName
1945: 254-256; pl. 2, fig. 6; Millar, 1966: 73, fig. 48.
Previous records: “Lightning" 1868: Westem slope of
the Wyville-Thomson Ridge 954 m (south of the
Faroese EEZ 59°36'N;07°20'W) (Herdman, 1884).
“Ingolf’ 1896: Faroe Island Ridge, eastern slope 847
m (62°45'N;07°35'W) (Hartmeyer, 1923). "Michael
Sars" 1902: Faroe Island Ridge 330 m (62°45'N;
07°35'W) (Bjerkan, 1905). “Beskytteren”? 1909:
Northeast of the Faroes 1236 m (border of EEZ
61°42'N;02°W) (Ámback-Christie-Linde, 1952).
Sampled 1923 or earlier: West of Sumbiargrynnu
(61 “22 'N;07"20 'W) (Ámbáck-Christic-Linde, 1952).
“Hvidhjørnen?” 1931: Norðhavið 104 m (62°28'N;
07"02'W) (Ámbáck-Christie-Linde, 1952).
BIOFAR stations(numberof individuals in parentheses):
56(1); 158(2); 167(9); 169(7); 170(2); 188(16);
299(5); 381(2); 382(30); 397(1); 418(1); 424(1);
473(2); 478(2); 489(1); 494(10); 690(81).
BIOFAR area: Scattered off shore records on the plateau
and the slopes of the plateau. One record in the Faroe-
Shetland Channel; on the Wyville-Thomson Ridge;
between Faroe Bank and Bill Bailey Bank; Lousy
Bank; north of Bill Bailey; and on the Faroe-Iceland
Ridgc (Fig. 32).
BIOFAR depth range: 77-1200 m.
BIOFAR temperatures: Estimated range -0.85 to 8.6 "C.
BIOFAR watcr mass: NW/AW/AI.
North Atlantic/Nordic Seas distribution: Svalbard; coast
Figure 30. Polycarpa fibrosa (from Liitzen, 1967).