Fróðskaparrit - 01.01.2006, Síða 159
Figure 34. BIOFAR records of Polycarpa pomaria.
recorded in the Arctic region (Árnbáck-Christie-
Linde, 1922). Dispersal into this region most likely
occurred via the North Atlantic Current.
P.pomaria and P. mamillarisare diíTicult to separate;
sec Vazquez et al. (1995) for a comparison between
these two species. I did not identify the P. pomaria
accotding to the instructions recommended by these
authors, tlius a re-examination is necessary to clarify
whether P. mamillaris is prcsent among the material.
Polycarpa porculus Monniot C. and Mon-
niot F., 1979
Good description: Monniot and Monniot, 1979:568-569,
figs 2 B-C and 4 B.
Prcvious records: None.
BlOFAR stations (numbcrof individuals in parenthcses):
376(1); 550(1).
filOFAR area: In association with sponge occurrences
(Klitgaard, 1995) on the northern slope of Suðuroy
Bank and south of this bank (Fig. 36).
BIOFAR depth range: 250 and 251 m.
BIOFAR temperature: Estimated 7.00 °C.
BIOFAR water ntass: AW.
NorthAtlantic/Nordic Seasdistribution: OfTBergen,Nor-
way; Faroes.
General distribution: Borcal castem Atlantic, Lusitanian,
and Mcditcrrancan (each side of Gibraltar).
General depth range: From 250 m (Monniot and Mon-
niot, 1979; present study) to 1163 m (Monniot and
Monniot, 1988).
Remarks: The specimens were recorded on the sponge
species Thenea levis and Thenea valdiviae, and iden-
tificd by Claude Monniot (Klitgaard, 1995).
Genus: Boltenia Savigny, 1816
Boltenia echinata (Linnaeus, 1767)
Good description: Hartmeyer, 1923: 149-162; Millar,
1966: 92, fig. 62.