Fróðskaparrit - 01.01.2006, Síða 160
Previous records: Danish mail-ship 1878?: Locality not
spccified (Traustedt, 1880). "Thor” 1899: Between
Stong and Eystnes 180 m, identified by Th.
Mortensen (Hartmeyer, 1912). "Diana" 1901:Outer
roadsofTórshavn 21-29m. (identification by R. Hor-
ring in 1901, (Hartmeyer, 1923)). “Diana ” 1902?:
Off Mykineshólm 102 m; Vestmanna (identification
by Ditlevsen in 1902, (Hartmeycr, 1923)). "Beskyt-
teren" 1926: Off Gøtuvík (62°09'N;6°37'W);
Skálaíjørður, at the shore; Vestmannasund, 45 m;
Vestmannasund, south of Egilsnes 20-25 m;
Miðvágur; Trongisvágur, between 6 m Pladen and
Tjaldavíkshólm, about 20 m (Árnbáck-Christie-
Linde, 1952). Sampled summer 1929: Kalso-
yarljørður (Árnbáck-Christie-Linde, 1952).
BIOFAR stations (number of individuals in parentheses):
371(1); 1023(1); 1025(1); 1245(1); 1562(2); 1605(1);
1606(2); 1617(1); 1625(1); 1638(2); 1659(1);
1664(10); 1665(9); 1675(1); 1712(1); 1744(2);
1746(1); 1801(3); 1820(1).
BIOFAR area: Coastal records (Fig. 36).
BIOFAR depth range: 5-80 m.
BIOFAR temperature: Estimated7.9°C (based stn. 371).
BIOFAR water mass: AW.
North Atlantic/Nordic Seas distribution: Svalbard; Bear
Island; coast of Norway; western coast of Sweden;
Denmark; northem coasts of Great Britain; Orkney;
Shetland; Faroes; Iceland; coasts ofGreenland; north-
ern North America (Millar, 1966).
General distribution: B. echinata is distributed through-
out the Arctic and in all four northern boreal regions,
i.e., it is amphi Atlantic and amphi Pacific.
General depth range: From shallow water to 350 m (Mil-
lar, 1966).
Remarks: There are two arctic Boltenia species: B. ov-
ifera (Linnaeus, 1767) and B. echinata. The distri-
Figure 35. Boltenia echinata (from Lutzen, 1967).
bution of B. ovifera extends from boreal westem At-
lantic, Arctic Canada, Greenland, Alaskan coast ot
the Arctic Basin, Bering Sea, and the Sea of Okhotsk.
In Japan waters B. echinata echinata is replaced by
the subspecies B. echinata iburi (Sanamyan, 1996),
which does not occur sympatrically witli the common
B. echinata echinata (Sanamyan, 1996).
Genus: HalocynthiaVemW, 1879^
Halocynthiapyriformis (Rathke, 1806)
Good description: Hartmeyer, 1923:163-171; Van Name,
1945; Millar, 1966: 99, ftg. 68.
Previous records: Samplcd 1900 or earlier, locality not
specified (possibly Icelandic specimen); Tórshavn
(identificationby Miillerin 1900, (Hartmeyer, 1923))-
BIOFAR station: Not recordcd by BIOFAR.
EEZ area: Tórshavn.
EEZ depth range: Not specifted.
EEZ temperature: Unknown.
EEZ water mass: AW.
North Atlantic/Nordic Seas distribution: Svalbard; Bear
Island; coast of Norway; Faroes; Iceland; western
coasts of Greenland; northern North America (Mil-
lar, 1966).
General distribution: The species has a northern distri-
bution, being found in the Arctic basin and in both
boreal regions of thc Atlantic.
General depth range: From shallow water to about 200
m (Millar, 1966).
Remarks: Two speeies are known from the Arctic and
the northern boreal regions; a third is found in the
Mediterranean, Lusitanian and Mauritanian areas.
These three species (H. aurantium (Pallas, 1787), H-
pyriformis and H. papillosa (Linnaeus, 1767)) form
a close spccies complex, distinct in the nuniber of go-
nads, a character which is not constant for each
species (Árnbáck-Christie-Linde, 1928).
Genus: Microcosmus Heller, 1877
Microcosmus glacialis (Sars, 1859)
Good description: Hartmeyer, 1923: 178-182; VanName-
1945; Millar, 1966: 94, fig. 64.
Previous records: Sampled 1886 or earlier: WyviH°
Thomson Ridge 792 m (60°06'N;08°14'W) (Herd-
man, 1886 in Hartmeyer, 1923).