Fróðskaparrit - 01.01.2006, Síða 164
Figure 41. BIOFAR records of M. occulla o. M. siphonalis •. and M. citrina •
North Atlantic/Nordic Seas distribution: Svalbard; Nor-
wegian coast; Skagerak; North Sea; English Cltan-
nel; eastem coast of Great Britain; Shetland; Faroes;
western coast of Greenland; northern North America
(Millar, 1966).
General distribution: M. complanata is recorded on both
sides of the boreal Atlantic and in the Arctic arca in
the vicinity of the boreal Atlantic (Svalbard; Murman
Coast; White Sea; Barents Sea; Franz Josef Land;
Siberian Sea).
General depth range: From lower part of the shore to
dcpths greater than 500 m (Millar, 1966).
Remarks: The phylogenetic analyses made by Hubcr et
al. (2000) suggest that two species: the tailed M. com-
planata, with Arctic and amphi-boreal Atlantic dis-
tribution, and thc anural M. tectiformis, known, e.g.,
from the coast of Japan arc closely relatcd. M. tecti-
formis rcsembles, according to Nishikawa (1991), thc
three European molgulids M. appendiculata Heller,
1877; M. simplex Alder and Hancock, 1870; and M.
socialis Alder, 1848, and also the Antarctic M. hodg-
soni, Hcrdman, 1910.
Molgula herdmani Bjerkan, 1905
Good description: Bjerkan, 1905: 5-7; pl. 1, figs. 1-6;
Hartmeyer, 1923: 84-86; pl. 1, ftg. 1; Millar, 1966:
104, fig. 73; Monniot and Monniot, 1979: 569, flgs
3, A and 4, D.
Previous records: None.
BIOFAR station and individual: 491(1) (60°55'N;09°
50'W, 986 m).
BIOFAR area: Northem entrance of the channel between
Bill Bailey Bank and Faroe Bank (Fig. 45).
Figure 44. Molgula herdmani (from Bjerkan, 1905)-
BIOFAR depth range: 986 m.
BIOFAR tempcrature: Estimated 6.9 “C.