Fróðskaparrit - 01.01.2006, Blaðsíða 166
Figure 45. BIOFAR records of Molgula herdmani o, M. mira m, and Eugyra arenosa m.
Figure 46. Molgula mira (from Árnback-Christie-
Linde, 1931).
in south westem Norway.
General depth range: From 246 to 400 m (Monniot and
Klitgaard, 1994).
Remarks: Molgula mira is like M. herdmani a rare species
apparently with a somewhat similar distribution area.
The bathymctric rangc (246-400 m) indicates that this
is a slope species.
It is notable, that all records of M. mira are associ-
atcd wilh sponge records.
The phylogeny of this species is of interest, as it like
Eugyra arenosa, has only one gonad, but like all other
Molgula species the branchial sac has folds. M. mira
is urodele and the branchial sac has, iike several other
molgulids, six folds on each sidc.
Molgula occulta Kuppfer, 1875
Good description: Árnbáck-Christie-Linđe, 1928:30-34;
pl. 1, fígs. 23-26; Berrill, 1950:254 -256, fígs. 90 and
91, D-G; Millar, 1966: 110, fíg. 77; Monniot, 1969c:
213-219, fig. 19-22.
Previous records: None.
BIOFAR stations (number of individuals in parentheses):
299(1); 514(7); 515(25); 542(4); 886(2); 887(1);
888(1+2); 1663(1); 1664(1); 1801(1); 1811(1);
BIOFAR area: Coastal records (Skálavík, Sandoy 5 m;
Skálavík, Sandoy 15 m; east ofNólsoy 55 and 60 m;
Høgnaboði, east of Eystnes 37-50 m; north of Kalsoy
102 m); on the plateau west of Suðuroy (Skeivi Banki
200 m); Wyville-Thomson Ridge (923 m); north east-