Fróðskaparrit - 01.01.2006, Qupperneq 194

Fróðskaparrit - 01.01.2006, Qupperneq 194
192 SCIENTIFIC PUBLICATIONS 2005 248. Fautin, D.G., Daly, M. and Cappola, V. 2005. Sea ane- mones (Cnidaria: Actiniaria) of the Faroe Islands: A preliminary list and biogeographic context. BIOFAR Proceedings 2005. BIOFAR symposium, Tórshavn 24-26 April 2003. Føroya Fróðskapar- felag Supplementum 41: 77-87. Fellows-Jensen, G. 2005. Some new thoughts on per- sonal names in the viking colonies. In: Mortensen, A. and Arge, S.V. (eds). Viking and ihe norse in the north Atlantic. Føroya Fróðskaparfelag, sup- plementum XLIV: 152-159. Fisher, I. 2005. Cross-currents in the North Atlantic sculpture. /n: Mortensen, A. and Arge, S.V. (eds). Viking and the norse in the north Atlantic. Føroya Fróðskaparfelag, supplementum XLIV: 160-166. Frei, D., Rasmussen, T., Knudsen, C., Larsen, M., Whitham, A. and Morton, A. 2005. New Methods and Techniques for lnnovative, lntegrated Provenance Studies. ln: Ziska, H., Varming, T. and Bloch, D. (eds). Faroe Islands, Exploration Con- ference. Procceding of the P' Conference. Føroya Fróðskaparfelag Supplementum 43: 96-108. Gammeltoft, P. 2005. “Look now, stranager, at this island”. A brief survey of the island-names of Shetland and Orkney. In: Mortensen, A. and Arge, S.V. (eds). Viking and the norse in the north At- lantic. Føroya Fróðskaparfelag, supplementum XLIV: 257-263. Gordon, J.D.M. 2005. Aspects of the ecology of the deep-water demersal fish assemblages of the west- ern European margin. BIOFAR Proceedings 2005. BIOFAR symposium, Tórshavn 24-26 April 2003. Føroya Fróðskaparfelag Supplementum 41: 248- 249. Graham.Campbell, J. 2005. The viking-age gold and silveroftheNorthAtlantic region//;: Mortensen, A. and Arge, S.V. (eds). Viking and the norse in the north Atlantic. Føroya Fróðskaparfelag, sup- plementum XLIV: 125-140. Gráslund, A-S. 2005. The watchful dragon. Aspects of the conservation of Scandinavia. In: Mort- ensen, A. and Arge, S.V. (eds). Viking and the norse in the north Atlantic. Føroya Fróðskapar- felag, supplementum XLIV: 412-421. Hansen, J.G. 2005. The ongoing investigation of the Faroe Bank tardigrade fauna. BIOFAR Proceed- ings 2005. BIOFAR symposium, Tórshavn 24-26 April 2003. Føroya Fróðskaparfelag Supplemen- tum 41 .-220-223. Hansen, J.R. 2005. Mellem kor og skib. Jacob Dahls færøske postiller. PhD Thesis. Føroya Fróðska- parfelag, supplementum XXXIX. 477pp. Hárdh, B. 2005. Uppákra in the viking age. In: Mortensen, A. and Arge, S .V. (eds). Viking and the norse in the north Atlantic. Føroya Fróðskapar- felag, supplementum XLIV: 383-391. Harrison, S.H. 2005. CollegOe Green - a neglected “viking” cementery at Dublin. In: Mortensen, A. and Arge, S.V. (eds). Viking and the norse in the north Atlantic. Føroya Fróðskaparfelag, supple- mentum XLIV: 329-339. Heiner, 1.2005. Preliminary account of the loriciferan fauna of the Faroe Bank (NE Atlantic). BIOFAR Proceedings 2005. BlOFARsymposium, Tórshavn 24-26 April 2003. Føroya Fróðskaparfelag Sup- plementum 41:213-219. Helle, K. 2005. The position of the Faeroes and other “tribbutary lands” in the medieval Norwegian do- minion. In: Mortensen, A. and Arge, S.V. (eds). Viking and the norse in the north Atlantic. Føroya Fróðskaparfelag, supplementum XLIV: 11-21. Hoare, R., Schearer, P., Langridge, A., Saragoussi, E., WesternGeco, Cristie, P., Schlumberger and the iSIMM team. 2005. Imaging Sub-Basalt with Deep Towed Streamer: A Case Study from the Faroe Islands. In: Ziska, H., Varming, T. and Bloch, D. (eds). Faroe Islands, Exploration Con- ference. Procceding of the 1” Conference. Føroya Fróðskaparfelag Supplementum 43: 168-175. Holt, A. 2005. Gaulverjabæjarsjóðurinn. In: Morten- sen, A. and Arge, S.V. (eds). Viking and the norse in the north Atlantic. Føroya Fróðskaparfelag, supplementum XLIV: 217-228. Jegen-Kulcsar, M. and Hobbs, R. 2005. Outline of a Joint Inversion ofGravity, MT and Seismic Data. In: Ziska, H., Varming, T. and Bloch, D. (eds). Faroe Islands, Exploration Conference. Proc- ceding of the P' Conference. Føroya Fróðska- parfelag Supplementum 43: 163-167. Jennings, A. and Kruse, A. 2005. An ethnic enignia - norse, pict and gael in the western isles. In: Mortensen,A. andArge, S.V. (eds). Vikingandthe norse in the north Atlantic. Føroya Fróðska- parfelag, supplementum XLIV: 284-296. Jensen, K.R. 2005. Distribution and zoogeographic
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