Læknablaðið - 01.02.1942, Blaðsíða 22
á boSstólum sé ekki sterkara en
sem svarar til ca. 200 einingum í
grammi. Teskeiöarnar eru, eins og
allir vita, misstórar, og eftir því
sem okkur hefir mælzt, taka þær
frá 2—4 grömmum af lýsi. Algeng-
asta stæröin mældist taka 2.55
grömm. Þaö eru ekki nema 500
einingar, ef barnið tekur eina te-
skeiö á dag. íslenzka þorskalýsiö
er mun betra en lýsi frá flestum, ef
ekki öllum öörum löndum, en samt
er þaö ekki sterkara en svo, aö ekki
veitir af aö gefa 3ja mánaða göml-
um börnum 7 grömm á dag og 6
mánaða gömlum börnum 10 gr. á
dag til að vera viss um, að barniö
fái nóg. Yfir hásumartimann þurfa
börn, sem eru úti, engrar inntöku
við. ef þau nota sér sólskinið vel.
enda ætti þaö að vera sjálfsögö
regla, að láta börnin vera sem
mest nakin úti á sumrin. því að þaö
er vafalaust meira virði en nokkur
lýsis- eða meðalagjöf.
1) Sveinn Pálsson: Tímarit Lær-
dómslistafélagsins. Um sjúk-
dóma, er til bana veröa á ís-
landi. 15. bindi, bls. 140, Kbh.
2) Schleisner: Island undersögt
t'ra et lægevidenskabeligt Syns-
punkt, bls. 30. Kbh. 1849.
3) Vilhjálmur Stefánsson: My
life with the Eskimo. New
York 1913.
4) Katrín Thoroddsen: Lækna-
blaðiö. Infantil rachitis i
Reykjavík. 9. tbl. 1932.
5) Wimberger, Hans: Klinisch-
radiologische Diagnostik von
Rachitis, etc. Ergebn. d. inn.
Med. u. Kinderheilkunde, 28, j).
264, 1925.
6) Lindblom, Knut: Early Rönt-
gen signs in rickets. Acta Path.,
Stockh. 25, p. 170. 1939.
English Summary:
A survey of the occurence of
rickets was made on 239 children.
all between 3 months and 2 years
of age. Of these 168 were obtained
liy writing to mothers who had
been delivered in the obstetric
department of the State Hospital in
Reykjavik, the remaining 71 from
the prophylactic children's station
in Reykjavik. By this means a fair
average of conditions prevailing in
Reykjavik is belived to be correct-
ly reflected.
Each child was examined clinic-
ally with an X-ray examination ot'
wrist, knee and in most cases of an
ankle following.
The clinical examination show-
ed definite signs of rickets in 66%.
Of these 39% had a visible Harri-
sons groove, 44% a rachitic rosary.
and definite signs of craniotabes
were found in at least 54%.
Periarticular swellings are very
rarely notable, and were not en-
countered in this material.
X-ray photographs showed signs
of rickets in 75% of the children.
The final results, judged from
clinical and X-ray examinations
combined. showed an incidence oi'
77% with rickets.
These results dismiss the wide-
spread belief. that rickets is un-
known in Iceland.