

Læknablaðið - 01.09.1950, Page 24

Læknablaðið - 01.09.1950, Page 24
The pharmacological approach to the relief of asthma the separation of the inhibitory from the excitant effect of adrena- line has long been a pharmacological problem; for the satisfactory control of an asthmatic attack a drug possessing only the inhibitory action is desirable. Such a medicament has been found in isoprenaline (isopropyl- nor-ADRENALiNí), which also has the following advantages:— (1) Produces greater relaxation of smooth muscle. (2) Is fully effective by the oral route. As a safe and effective preparation for self-administration by patients with asthma, íSOPROPYL-wor-ADRENALiNE is the drug of choice. Isoprenaline - Boots Tablets of 0.02G. in bottles of 25 and 100 for sublingual administration. i per cent. aqueous solution in botdes of 10 ml. for inhalation. Literature artd further information available from AGNAR NORDFJORD & CO. LTD. P.O. Box 53, Reyjavik



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