

Læknablaðið - 15.07.1958, Qupperneq 26

Læknablaðið - 15.07.1958, Qupperneq 26
60 LÆKNABLAÐIfi liríð, ef um „partial ruptur“ er að ræða. Hæmopericardium gerir batahorfurnar verri. Co- ronartlirombosis eftir áverka hefur sömu liorfur sem af öðr- um orsökum. Arrythmia, ef mikil er, leiðir oft til hjartabil- unar og sama er að segja um ruptura valvulae og aneurysma cordis. Sjaldgæft er, að hjarta- mar liafi bacterial endocarditis i för með sér. Meðferðin er liin sama og við coronarthrombosis. Trauma cordis non penetrans þarfnast ekki handlæknisaðgerða nema við hæmopericardium, sem þrengir mjög að starfsemi lijartans (lijarta tamponade) og ruptura myocardii eða þá við pericarditis með ígerð.sem með- ferð með antibiotica vinnur ekki vel á. SUMMARY. A brief summary of the literature concerning nonpenetrating heart lesions is given and two cases, 58 year and 30 year old males repre- senting this kind of heart disease are reported. The first case, formerly a healthy man, got signs of heart disease as soon as he had suffered an outo- mobile accident and a week later typical symptoms of coronary thrombosis. He afterwards was in- validated of coronary insufficiency and died nearly a year and a half later. The post mortem showed a huge cardial aneurysm of the ante- rior surface of the left ventricle. The second case, a healthy man, incurred a severe car collision and was thrown out of the front door. He had signs of cerebral concus- sion and of heart trouble in direct connection to the accident. Four months later he was sent for special heart examination. Ecg at rest was normal, but on exertion ecg was typical of coronary changes. He had only partly recovered, but could work as a car driver. About four and a half year later he suffered from left sided paresis of the ex- tremities and a thrombosis in the right middle cerebral artery was diagnosed. HEIMXLDIR. 1) Warburg, Erik: Subacute and Chronic Pericardial and Myocardial Lesions due to Non-Penetrating Traumatic Injuries. Einar Munks- gaard, Copenhagen, 1938. 2) Urbach, J.: Beitr. zur Gerichtl. Med., lf, 104, 1922. Frá Warburg. 3) Bricht, E. F. og Beck, C. S.: Am. Heart J. 10, 293, 1935. Frá Aren- berg. 4) Leinoff, H. D.: Arch, Int. Med. 70, 33,1942. 5) Arenberg, H.: Ann. Int. Med. 19, 362,1943. 6) Desforges, G. og fél.: New Eng- land J. Med. 252, 567, 1955. Frá Friedberg. 7) Gore, I.: Ann. Int. Med. 33, 865, 1950. 8) Kienle, F.: Zeitschr. f. Kreislauf- forsch., 30, 674, 1938. Frá Fried- berg. 9) Joachim, H. og Mays, A. T.: Am. Heart J. 2, 682, 1927. Frá Friedberg. 10) Hildebrandt, F.: Diss., Berlin 1898. Frá Warburg. 11) Friedberg, C. K.: Dieases of the Heart, Saunders Co., 1956. 12) Shaffer, C. F. og Chapman, D.W.: Corrective Cardiology, Saunders Co„ 1952. 13) Sprague, H. B.: Bull. New York Acad. Med., 23, 631, 1947. Frá Gore.



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