

Læknablaðið - 01.09.1960, Qupperneq 35

Læknablaðið - 01.09.1960, Qupperneq 35
LÆKNABLAÐIÐ ) 115 leifai’, sem líkur eru til að verið geti hættulegar framtíðarörj’ggi sj úklingsins. Sé það gert, geta sjúklingarnir verið iivað von- beztir um varanlegan bata. Auk þess verður sjúkdómstími þeirra styttri, og síðast en ekki sízt, verður áhættan við aðgerð- ina hverfandi lítil, þegar við fá- um tilfellin þannig fersk. Thorarinsson, Hjalti: Surgical treatment of tubercu- losis of the lung. S u m m a r y. The author’s first 100 cases of pulmonary resection for tu- berculosis are reported. These operations were performed in the years 1953—1954 and 1955 —1957 w'hen resectional surgery was started in Iceland. The importance of a long term chemotherapv before and after pulmonary resections is stressed, esp. is a long term post operative chemotherapy advis- able in tliose patients where some visihle or palpable dis- ease is left behind at the time of surgery. The indications for resecti- onal surgery are listed and dis- cussed further. It is the autliors o])inion and experience, that pulmonary res- eotion is the method of choice in the treatment of tuberculos- is of the lungs, and that it can he chosen in almost everv case. There still is however, an oc- casional use for the collapse procedures either alone or in connectioii with resection as space reducing operations, when tlie remaining lung does not ciuite fill out the chest cavity. The autlior has done only three therapeutic thoracoplasties dur- ing this period of time. The space reducing thoracoplasties were performed either simult- aneously with the resection, if the condition of the patient al- lowed it, or 10—14 days later Very few such operations wliere neecled. There were only three concomitant thoracoplastics car- ried out and 5 patients had thoracoplasty later because of residual air space or B.P. fistula. Tliese additional procedures are certainly very few, when it is remembered that 42 patienls liad one lohe or more removed at tlie time of surgery. In the series there are 54 cases which represent primary surgical treatment i. e. patients who had received no surgical treatment hefore and as a rule tliey liave their surgery earlv in the course of the disease fol- lowing several months of che- motherapv. There are, however, in tliis group many patients with recurrence or relapse of their disease. Tliere are 46 „second hand“ cases i. e. patients \\4io have undergone some surgical treat- ment before such as tlioraco- plasty, plomhage, phrenicexair- esis, extrapleural pneumothorax and intrapleural pneumothorax. The prohlems are entirely different in these two groups. Most thoracic surgeons have very good results when operat- ing upon patients belonging to the first group, whereas post operative coinplications are more common and the mortality
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