

Læknablaðið - 01.09.1960, Page 36

Læknablaðið - 01.09.1960, Page 36
116 LÆKNABLAÐIÐ is much higher following surg- ery upon tlie „second liand“ cases. Very few statistics classify the patients like that and may therefore be very misleading. In countries where chest surg- ery is in its childhood surgeons have to tackle many poor risk patients and borderline cases. In tlie authors series 17% of llie patients were sputum posi- tive at the time of surgery with drug resistant hacilli. Tlie aver- age age of the patients was 39,3 years. The average stay at a sana- torium hefore surgery was 2,55 years. The type of operative proce- dure was as follows: 7% had pneumonectomies, 4% hilohectomies, 16% lobect- omies plus segment, 15% lob- ectomies, 56% segmental re- sections and 2% wedge resecti- ons. The significant major compli- cations were bronchopleural fistula 5% and tuherculous empyema 5%. The post operative mortality in the series is 3% i. e. 3 pati- ents died within 3 months fol- lowing surgery. These were all very poor risk patients „second- Iiand“ cases sputum positive at tlie time of surgery with drug resistant hacilli. Two of the patients had pneumonectomy done and one liad one lobe plus a segment removed. Tliere are no deatlis among the primary surgical cases and tlie mortality is nil following segmental resection and lobect- omy. Clinical alelectasis following surgery occurred never in the series and it is the authors opini- on that a vigilant post opera- tive care is imperative although the surgical technique also is very important in preventing tliis complication. Post operative spread of the disease occurred never. There liave heen 3 later deatlis all from tuberculosis. 1 patient (1%) is living with disease, 93 patients (93%) are living and well. A conqilete follow up study will soon he finished. The maj- ority of patients has already had 1 or 2 gastric waslies which liave all been negative. Several statistics are quoted and compaired with the results in this series. Helztu heimildir: C. Semb and Sven Hjort (Oslo, Norway): The Indication for operative Treatment in Pulmon- ary Tuberculosis. Acta Chirurgica Scandinavica Vol. 107: 348—357, 1954. Tage Kjœr and Jens L. Hansen Copenhagen, Danmark): Indicat- ions for the Surgical Treatment of Pulmonary Tuberculosis. Acta Chir. Scand. Vol. 107: 358—370, 1954. Leif Efskind, Bjarne Fretheim and Paul Vaksvik (Oslo, Norway): 500 Cases of Lung Resection for Tuberculosis. Acta Chir. Scand. Vol. 107: 392—396, 1954. Hjalti Þórarinsson: Skurðaðgerðir við tuberculosis pulmonum, Læknablaðið: 39. árg. bls. 33—55, 1955. E. J. Zerbini, M. D. (Sáo Paulo, BraziX): Pulmonary Resection in the Treatment of Lung Tubercu- lois, The Journal of Thoracac Surgery 25: 82—95,1953. Arnotd Pines and Richard Row-



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