

Læknablaðið - 01.02.1973, Page 6

Læknablaðið - 01.02.1973, Page 6
LÆKNABLAÐIÐ pp 45- so: THE ICELANDIC MEDICAL JOURNAL English Index 1973 Læknablaðið — The Icelandic Medical Journal — is published jointly by The Icelandic Medical Association and the Medical Association of Reykjavík. Twelve numbered issues constitute a yearly vol- ume. Original articles are as a rule summariz- ed in English. A yearly index of summariz- ed articles is provided for the orientation of foreign readers. Reprints are obtainable from LÆKNABLAÐIÐ, Domus Medica, Reykjavík. Original articles may be pro- vided in translation for a reasonable fee. pp. 91- 98: pp. 99-107: pp. 117-126: pp. 133-143: Vol. 59, 1973. pp. 3- 7: Thorsteinsson, S. B., Hardar- son, Th. & Samúelsson, S.: 94 patients with coronary occlusion in the medical de- partment of Landspítalinn Jan. 1., 1969 — Apr. 1. 1970. Summary in English. pp. 14- 17: Thorarinsson, H. & Magnús- son, B.: Reflections on the early diagnosis of lung can- cer. Summary in English pp. 39- 43: Björnsson, F.: Pulmonary embolism. A clinical study of 102 patients in the medi- cal department of Landspít- alinn in the years 1961-1970. Summary in English. pp. 147-159: pp. 183-195: pp. 197-204: pp. 261-264: Hjálmarsson, Ó.: Ketalar — a new anesthetic. Experi- ence in 100 cases. Summary in English. Jónsson, Á. N.: A short sur- vey on ectopic pregnancy during a 10 year period, 1960-1969. Summary in Eng- lish. Hardarson, Th. & Pridie, R. B.: Ultrasound in valvular heart disease and hypertonic obstructive cardiomyopathy. Summary in English. Godber, G. E.: The future of preventive medicine. Article in English. Jóhannesson, T., Stefánsson, H. & Bjarnason, O.: Deaths due to poisoning with bar- bituric acid derivatives. Summary in English. Eyjólfsson, G. I. & Sigur- bergsson, K.: Telangiectasia hereditaria hemorrhagica. Report on an Icelandic fam- ily. Summary in English. Gudmundsson, G.: Subarac- hnoid hemorrhage in Ice- land. A clinical study. Sum- mary in English. Thorsteinsson, G. Á.: Ad- mission frequency and length of stay in the Klepp- ur psychiatric hospital 1951- 1970. Summary in English. Ferguson Anderson, W.: Dia- gnosis in the ageing. Article in English.



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